Issue - decisions

Addition disabled parking bay to the Traffic Regulation Order

12/07/2024 - Addition disabled parking bay to the Traffic Regulation Order

The resident who applied for a disabled parking bay on Long Close Lane has reported there is consistent abuse of the bay by non-blue badge holders and this is preventing the resident from using the bay.

Any requests for Blue Badge parking bays in residential areas are initially introduced as advisory bays, to provide the facility on street in a more efficient way. The bay is not enforceable if non blue badge holders park in them, so the bay is then not useable by Blue Badge Holder.

It is proposed to undertake the statutory consultation for the advertisement for the addition of the Blue badge Parking Bay into the Traffic Regulation Order, so enforcement of non-blue badge bays can occur.

Advertise a traffic regulation order change to include the current advisory disabled parking bay on the Traffic Regulation Order, if approved non blue badge holders parking in the bay could be enforced and help to resolve the abuse currently taking place.


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