Issue - decisions

To submit a response to consultation on Selby Local Plan Publication draft (2024)

23/04/2024 - To submit a response to consultation on Selby Local Plan Publication draft (2024)

On the 25th of October 2022 the Executive Member for Economy and Strategic Planning agreed a position of having significant objections to the allocation of a new settlement Heronby as proposed in the Selby Local Plan (Regulation 19 consultation). A formal objection was subsequently lodged on grounds related to transport, viability, and deliverability, and concerns about the impact on education provision within CYC were also identified. The response stated that the duty-to-cooperate had not been met due to lack of engagement between the authorities.

Officers have since engaged with Selby (now North Yorkshire) officers and through meetings and correspondence sought to explore the cross-boundary matters, particularly related to transport and highways impacts associated with the Heronby development. Many concerns remain unresolved.

The removal of the site allocation from the Selby Local Plan is therefore welcomed and it is necessary to confirm that the Council’s previously raised concerns are no longer relevant to this revised plan.

Decision: to submit a formal response to the Selby Local Plan Consultation.


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