Issue - decisions

A19 Fulford Road Corridor Update

17/03/2009 - A19 Fulford Road Corridor Update

Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member for City Strategy be advised to:


(i)                 Note the contents of the report and its annexes;


(ii)               Agree the revised proposals for the section of corridor between Hospital Fields Road and the property boundary of 193 Fulford Road and 3 Main Street, as shown on Annexes A1 to A3;


(iii)             Agree the proposed off-road shared-use pedestrian and pedal cycle facility on the eastern side between Hospital Fields Road and Heslington Lane;

 (iv)        Defer a decision on the on-road improvements shown on Annex A4;

  (v)        Note that no objections were received to the proposed bus lane on a section of Selby Road and agree to the scheme as shown on Annex B2.

Decision of the Executive Member for City Strategy


RESOLVED:             That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:      (i) For background information and for assisting in the decision making process;

(ii)               To improve conditions along this section of the corridor;

(iii) To benefit less confident cyclists and to provide an alternative facility where an on-road cycle lane is not provided;

(iv) To enable further consideration to be given to the concerns and objections and to allow discussions to be held with concerned parties as to the way forward;

(v) To benefit existing bus services, including school services, using this section of Selby Road.


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