Agenda item

Electric Vehicle Charging Strategy

The Director of Economy & Place to present a report which seeks approval for a proposed Public Electric Vehicle (EV) Strategy to set out the rationale for the number and location of charging points, the principles of tariff-setting, and the council’s approach to providing charging for residents in streets without off-road parking.


Resolved:  (i)      That the EV Charging Strategy be approved for adoption.


Reason:     The Strategy is necessary to provide direction on future investments into the public charging network, and with the predicted growth in plug-in vehicle sales it is important to formalise the council’s approach ahead of investment decisions.


                   (ii)      That the ambition in the Strategy for a minimum of 5% of bays in council-owned car parks will be charging bays by 2023 be endorsed, noting that, based on initial costing estimates, this is expected to cost around £0.8m and that delivery will be subject to successful external funding bids, this being in addition to agreed budgets for Hyperhubs at Monks Cross and Poppleton Bar (£2.2m) and renewal of the existing charging estate (£0.25m).


Reason:     In order to assist with the acceleration of EV take-up and to ensure there is robust provision of EV charging points across the city and meet carbon reduction targets, 5% is consistent with current planning policy for developments.


                   (iii)     That the approach to bay management based on the recommendations of the Scrutiny Committee and set out in paragraphs 31-35 of the report be endorsed.


Reason:     To provide a fair system for charging and parking, prevent bay blocking and allow efficient management of car parks and charging bays.


                   (iv)    That a standard tariff of 20 p/k/Wh for Fast Chargers and 25 p/kWh for Rapid and Ultra Rapid chargers to agreed, to be reviewed on an annual basis as part of budget setting.


Reason:     To ensure a fair tariff for all residents and a sustainable approach to the council-managed EV charging estate.


                   (v)     That it be noted that officers will continue to explore options for on-street parking where viable.


Reason:     To ensure there is equal opportunity for all potential users.


                   (vi)    That it be noted that officers will explore options for EV taxi charging in the city centre.


Reason:     To assist taxi drivers to utilise EV.


Members considered a report of the Director of Economy & Place which sought approval for a proposed Public Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Strategy (the Strategy) to set out the rationale for the number and location of charging points, the principles of tariff-setting, and the council’s approach to providing charging for residents in streets without off-road parking.


The Strategy had been developed in accordance with the decisions of the Executive on 26 September 2019 in relation to an update report on provision of EV charger points at park & ride sites (Minute 42 of that meeting refers).  Despite the completion of work to make 100% of charge points available by the end of 2019, a number of longer-term underlying issues remained.  The Strategy aimed to address these by setting out how the council would provide a future-proofed, high quality charging network to meet the needs of residents, fleets, through traffic and commuters.


The Executive Member for Environment & Climate Change expressed full support for the proposals, describing them as detailed and comprehensive. Having also noted the comments of the Labour Group on this item, it was


Resolved:  (i)      That the EV Charging Strategy be approved for adoption.


Reason:     The Strategy is necessary to provide direction on future investments into the public charging network, and with the predicted growth in plug-in vehicle sales it is important to formalise the council’s approach ahead of investment decisions.


                   (ii)      That the ambition in the Strategy for a minimum of 5% of bays in council-owned car parks will be charging bays by 2023 be endorsed, noting that, based on initial costing estimates, this is expected to cost around £0.8m and that delivery will be subject to successful external funding bids, this being in addition to agreed budgets for Hyperhubs at Monks Cross and Poppleton Bar (£2.2m) and renewal of the existing charging estate (£0.25m).


Reason:     In order to assist with the acceleration of EV take-up and to ensure there is robust provision of EV charging points across the city and meet carbon reduction targets, 5% is consistent with current planning policy for developments.


                   (iii)     That the approach to bay management based on the recommendations of the Scrutiny Committee and set out in paragraphs 31-35 of the report be endorsed.


Reason:     To provide a fair system for charging and parking, prevent bay blocking and allow efficient management of car parks and charging bays.


                   (iv)    That a standard tariff of 20 p/k/Wh for Fast Chargers and 25 p/kWh for Rapid and Ultra Rapid chargers to agreed, to be reviewed on an annual basis as part of budget setting.


Reason:     To ensure a fair tariff for all residents and a sustainable approach to the council-managed EV charging estate.


                   (v)     That it be noted that officers will continue to explore options for on-street parking where viable.


Reason:     To ensure there is equal opportunity for all potential users.


                   (vi)    That it be noted that officers will explore options for EV taxi charging in the city centre.


Reason:     To assist taxi drivers to utilise EV.

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