Agenda, decisions and minutes

Contact: Catherine Clarke or Louise Cook  Democracy Officers

No. Item


Declarations of Interest

At this point Members are asked to declare any personal or prejudicial interest they may have in the business on this agenda.



The Cabinet Member was invited to declare at this point in the meeting any personal or prejudicial interests she might have in the business on the agenda.


No interests were declared.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 55 KB

To approve and sign the minutes of the meeting held on 22 November 2011.


RESOLVED:       That the minutes of the last Decision Session of the Cabinet Member for Health, Housing and Adult Social Services held on 22 November 2011, be approved and signed as a correct record.


Public Participation

At this point in the meeting members of the public who have registered their wish to speak at the meeting can do so.  The deadline for registering is 5:00pm on Monday 19 December 2011.


Members of the public may register to speak on:-

  • an item on the agenda;
  • an issue within the Cabinet Member’s remit;

·        an item that has been published on the Information Log since the last session. Information reports are listed at the end of the agenda



It was reported that there had been no registrations to speak at the meeting under the Council’s Public Participation Scheme.


The Local Account for Adult Social Care 2011 pdf icon PDF 81 KB

This report introduces the Local Account for Adult Social Care 2011.

Additional documents:


RESOLVED:  (i) That the performance and improvements described in the Local Account for 2010/2011 be noted.


                      (ii)   That the areas for development and improvement in the coming year be noted.


                      (iii)  That the Local Account, be approved by the Cabinet Member with any relevant changes, for general publication on the Council website.


                     (iv)   That the following Priority Actions arising out the Local Account summarised in Section 5.1 of the Annex 1-Local Account City of York Council 2011 be endorsed by the Cabinet Member. Namely;


·        To enable self funders to access financial advice through CYC by January 2012.


·        To undertake a flexible carers support scheme grant survey and carers’ survey to look at the best way of distributing funds to make the most impact on carer’s lives and wellbeing.


·        To further promote self assessments for adult social carer customers.


·        To promote personal budgets and proactively discuss the financial options with customers right from the first contact.


·        To improve our systems to help deliver information and advice about self directed support.


·        To make Quality Assurance reports available to all on request, in an appropriate format and to circulate to survey responders, prospective residents/relatives, customers and other professionals.


·        To carry out a survey of customers of our assessment and personalisation service in 2012 to obtain feedback on their experience and quality of: personalised support, assessment and support planning, individual budgets, self assessment, achievement of desired outcomes.


·        To extend links into the voluntary sector especially for people who will not require formal ongoing support, to minimise social isolation and encourage continued independence.


·        To work to reduce the levels of delayed transfers of care from hospitals in the city from 2011-12 rates.


·        To support the development of community health capacity to deliver ‘step down’ care and make links to ensure this works in partnership with our reablement service.


·        To develop “quality champions” within the service, to secure ownership of quality and to facilitate the sharing of good practice between teams.


·        To undertake a Carers’ Survey which will provide benchmarking for the national survey in 2013.


·        To carry out a survey of relatives who are willing to talk to us about their relative’s end of life care within the Council’s residential care homes as part of the 2012/13 quality assurance programme.


·        To carry out activity arising from the consultation on the proposed major changes in our residential care homes to drive our transformation programme.


·        To establish a stand alone safeguarding adults team with staff members whose dedicated role is to investigate abuse.


·        To develop an agreed safeguarding pathway with our providers to ensure all safeguarding referrals are dealt with in a consistent manner.


·        To continue to improve our safeguarding processes, including learning from safeguarding children’s services, to provide better guidance to those investigated alleged abuse and those managing these cases.


·        To undertake work through York Safeguarding Adults Board to develop a “York picture” to inform on safeguarding priorities for partners across the city.


REASON:           To enable Adults, Children and Education to meet its commitment  ...  view the full decision text for item 30.


The Cabinet Member considered a report which introduced her to the Local Account for Adult Social Care 2011.


RESOLVED:  (i) That the Cabinet Member note the performance and improvements described in the Local Account for 2010/2011 information.


                      (ii)   That the Cabinet Member note the areas for development and improvement in the coming year.


                      (iii)  That the Cabinet Member approved the Local Account, with any relevant changes, for general publication on the Council website.


                     (iv)   That the Cabinet Member endorse the Priority Actions arising out the Local Account summarised in Section 5.1 of the Anmnex 1-Local Account City of York Council 2011. Namely;


·        To enable self funders to access financial advice through CYC by January 2012.


·        To undertake a flexible carers support scheme grant survey and carers’ survey to look at the best way of distributing funds to make the most impact on carer’s lives and wellbeing.


·        To further promote self assessments for adult social carer customers.


·        To promote personal budgets and proactively discuss the financial options with customers right from the first contact.


·        To improve our systems to help deliver information and advice about self directed support.


·        To make Quality Assurance reports available to all on request, in an appropriate format and to circulate to survey responders, prospective residents/relatives, customers and other professionals.


·        To carry out a survey of customers of our assessment and personalisation service in 2012 to obtain feedback on their experience and quality of: personalised support, assessment and support planning, individual budgets, self assessment, achievement of desired outcomes.


·        To extend links into the voluntary sector especially for people who will not require formal ongoing support, to minimise social isolation and encourage continued independence.


·        To work to reduce the levels of delayed transfers of care from hospitals in the city from 2011-12 rates.


·        To support the development of community health capacity to deliver ‘step down’ care and make links to ensure this works in partnership with our reablement service.


·        To develop “quality champions” within the service, to secure ownership of quality and to facilitate the sharing of good practice between teams.


·        To undertake a Carers’ Survey which will provide benchmarking for the national survey in 2013.


·        To carry out a survey of relatives who are willing to talk to us about their relative’s end of life care within the Council’s residential care homes as part of the 2012/13 quality assurance programme.


·        To carry out activity arising from the consultation on the proposed major changes in our residential care homes to drive our transformation programme.


·        To establish a stand alone safeguarding adults team with staff members whose dedicated role is to investigate abuse.


·        To develop an agreed safeguarding pathway with our providers to ensure all safeguarding referrals are dealt with in a consistent manner.


·        To continue to improve our safeguarding processes, including learning from safeguarding children’s services, to provide better guidance to those investigated alleged abuse and those managing these cases.


·        To undertake work through York Safeguarding Adults Board to develop a “York picture” to inform on  ...  view the full minutes text for item 30.


York Adult Care Workforce Development Strategy pdf icon PDF 82 KB

This report provides the Cabinet Member with the introduction of the first Adult Care Workforce Development Strategy for York focused on the whole of the adult care workforce. This includes organisations in the voluntary, statutory, private and independent sectors as well as unpaid carers and staff employed directly by individuals receiving direct payments.


Additional documents:


RESOLVED:      (i)       That the strategy and the establishment of a partnership group to oversee its implementation be endorsed.


Reason:     To demonstrate City of York Council’s ongoing commitment to developing the adult care workforce.


(ii)        That  the proposal to take a paper reflecting the priorities of the both the children’s and adults’ workforce strategies to the Health and Wellbeing Board be endorsed.


Reason:     To ensure that leadership of both strategies is on a partnership basis.


The Cabinet Member considered a report which introduced the first York Adult Care Workforce Development Strategy.



RESOLVED:       The Cabinet Member is asked to;


(i)           Endorse the strategy and the establishment of a partnership group to oversee its implementation.


Reason:     To demonstrate City of York Council’s ongoing commitment to developing the adult care workforce.


(ii)          Endorse the proposal to take a paper reflecting the priorities of the both the children’s and adult’s workforce strategies to the Health and Wellbeing Board.


Reason:     To ensure that leadership of both strategies is on a partnership basis.


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