Issue - meetings

Tadcaster Road Sustainable Modes Improvement Scheme

Meeting: 19/10/2021 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired (Item 29)

29 Tadcaster Road Sustainable Modes Improvement Scheme pdf icon PDF 1 MB

This report sets outs the feasibility work that has been undertaken to determine measures to improve the corridor for sustainable modes within the budget available to be delivered with the major highway maintenance scheme which is due to commence in spring 2022.

Additional documents:




                      i.         Approved Option C - to support the officer recommendations for design revisions as summarised in the table at para 119.


Reason: To address the comments raised during the consultation.


                     ii.         Approved the progression of the detailed design with approval of the final layout to be brought to a future meeting of the Executive Member for Transport Decision Session.


Reason:     To ensure the final design addresses the comments raised in the consultation.


                    iii.        Approved the procurement of the works with the Tadcaster Road core works maintenance scheme and delegate to the Director of Place (in consultation with the s151 Officer and Director of Governance or their delegated officers) the authority to take such steps as are necessary to procure, award and enter into the resulting contracts.


Reason:     To ensure best value for money and to minimise disruption to local residents.


                   iv.        That the scheme once detailed design and further costing work has been undertaken a report to the Executive Member for Transport will be prepared to determine priorities.


Reason: To determine the priorities for delivery as the budget may not be sufficient to deliver the whole scheme.


                     v.        Approved entering into a Funding Agreement with West Yorkshire Combined Authority (WYCA) in respect of the Transforming Cities Funding (TCF) and delegate to the Director of Place (in consultation with the s151 Officer and Director of Governance or their delegated officers) the authority to take such steps as are necessary to negotiate and enter into the final agreement.


Reason:     To enable the scheme to be funded by the Transforming Cities Fund.


Officers introduced the report and noted that 500 responses had been received during the consultation period. It was noted that officers felt that the proposed recommendations would provide for the corridor the best use of available funding, it was noted that a larger scheme could have considerate costs which did not currently have funding.


The Executive Member considered the plans outlined with the report, discussions covered potential impact to bus travel times, which were assessed to be minimal, nearside/farside traffic light crossing signals which officers noted was set for a review. LTN1/20 guidance was also raised and it was noted that the Council had incorporated but that the whole of the scheme could not within budget meet the criteria set out in the guidance.




Approved Option C - to support the officer recommendations for design revisions as summarised in the table at para 119 with the following amendments and additions:

a)   Review light segregation provision;

b)   Review removal of right turn pockets;

c)   Review Bus Stop Bypass at Slingsby Grove;

d)   Review Sim Balk Lane – Moor Lane R/B area;

e)   Review proposed repositioning of Northbound Bus Stop at Slingsby Grove Shops;

f)     Review position of controlled crossing Between Horseshoe and Slingsby Grove Shops;

g)   Review cycle lane provision and potential for off-road route between Pulleyn Drive and Ainsty Grove;

h)   Review provision of raised tables and cycle lane priorities for minor side roads off the Mount.


Reason: To address the comments raised during the consultation.


                      i.         Approved the progression of the detailed design with approval of the final layout to be brought to a future meeting of the Executive Member for Transport Decision Session.


Reason:     To ensure the final design addresses the comments raised in the consultation.


                     ii.         Approved the procurement of the works with the Tadcaster Road core works maintenance scheme and delegate to the Director of Place (in consultation with the s151 Officer and Director of Governance or their delegated officers) the authority to take such steps as are necessary to procure, award and enter into the resulting contracts.


Reason:     To ensure best value for money and to minimise disruption to local residents.


                    iii.        That the scheme once detailed design and further costing work has been undertaken a report to the Executive Member for Transport will be prepared to determine priorities.


Reason: To determine the priorities for delivery as the budget may not be sufficient to deliver the whole scheme.


                   iv.        Approved entering into a Funding Agreement with West Yorkshire Combined Authority (WYCA) in respect of the Transforming Cities Funding (TCF) and delegate to the Director of Place (in consultation with the s151 Officer and Director of Governance or their delegated officers) the authority to take such steps as are necessary to negotiate and enter into the final agreement.


Reason:     To enable the scheme to be funded by the Transforming Cities Fund.


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