Issue - meetings

2006/07 Economic Development Finance and Performance Monitor Two report

Meeting: 11/12/2006 - Executive Members for City Strategy and Advisory Panel (Item 60)

60 2006/07 Second Monitoring Report Economic Development Service - Finance and Performance pdf icon PDF 59 KB

This report presents the latest projections for revenue and capital expenditure by Economic Development, as well as performance against target for:

  • Best Value performance indicators
  • Customer First targets (letter and telephone answering)
  • Staff Management targets (sickness absence & appraisals completed)

Additional documents:


Advice of the Advisory Panel

That the Executive Leader be advised to approve the financial and performance position of the portfolio.


Decision of the Executive Leader


RESOLVED:             That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:                  In accordance with budgetary and performance monitoring procedures.


Members considered a report which presented the latest projections for revenue and capital expenditure by Economic Development, as well as performance against target for Best Value Performance Indicators, Customer First targets (letter and telephone answering) and Staff Management targets (sickness absence and appraisals completed).


Members discussed the managed workspace at Amy Johnson Way, Clifton Moor and it was clarified that this was considered by East Area Planning Sub Committee in December. Members discussed York Market and how it would be promoted and were updated that a new leaflet promoting the market had been produced and would be distributed to homes in York and available in car parks. They also raised issues regarding having more market stalls in Parliament Street.


Advice of the Advisory Panel

That the Executive Leader be advised to approve the financial and performance position of the portfolio.


Decision of the Executive Leader


RESOLVED:             That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:                  In accordance with budgetary and performance monitoring procedures.


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