Issue - meetings

Partnership Agreement between CYC and First York Ltd with regard to the 'Ftr' - Notice of Motion to Council on 29 June 2006

Meeting: 26/09/2006 - Executive - for meetings from 03/06/00 to 26/04/11 (Item 76)

Full Council Motion - ftr Concerns

This report responds to a Full Council motion concerning the partnership agreement between City of York Council and First York with regards to the ftr, which was referred to the Executive for consideration.


Members considered a report published in response to a motion at Full Council on 29 June 2006, concerning the partnership agreement between City of York Council and First York with regard to the ftr.


Members expressed concern about the difficulties with purchasing tickets for the ftr which had been highly publicised, and the negative impact that would have had on the level of use.  


It was noted that First York expected to see radical improvement in that area with the introduction of on street ticketing machines allowing passengers to purchase tickets using cash, together with a wider range of tickets tailored to suit individual needs.   First were also committed to introducing a mobile phone ‘M’ barcode ticket which would be heavily promoted amongst the student community.


RESOLVED:             That the explanations detailed within the report be noted.


REASON:                  In line with constitutional requirements to report back from Council.


Members considered a report published in response to a motion at Full Council on 29 June 2006, concerning the partnership agreement between City of York Council and First York with regard to the ftr.


Members expressed concern about the difficulties with purchasing tickets for the ftr which had been highly publicised, and the negative impact that would have had on the level of use. 


It was noted that First York expected to see radical improvement in that area with the introduction of on street ticketing machines allowing passengers to purchase tickets using cash, together with a wider range of tickets tailored to suit individual needs.   First were also committed to introducing a mobile phone ‘M’ barcode ticket which would be heavily promoted amongst the student community.


In addition, Members of the Executive stated that they believed First must make significant changes to the ticketing systems for the ftr service and as such, they looked forward to receiving reports on major improvements in customer satisfaction with this aspect of the service before the end of the year.


RESOLVED:                                  That (i)   the report and the results of the ongoing discussions between the Council and First over ticketing arrangements on the ftr service be noted; and


(ii) further progress updates be received on any improvements to the ticketing systems introduced by First and on customer satisfaction levels, as set out above.


REASON:                  In line with constitutional requirements to report back from Council.


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