Issue - meetings

Delivery of the Tour de France in York and Yorkshire 2014

Meeting: 21/01/2015 - Children, Education and Communities Policy and Scrutiny Committee (Item 47)

47 Tour de France Scrutiny Review - Update Report pdf icon PDF 90 KB

This report provides further information in support of the Committee’s consideration of a proposed scrutiny review of the planning, promotion and delivery of the Council's programme of activities which accompanied the Tour de France.

Additional documents:


Members considered a report which provided them with further information in support of the Committee’s consideration of a proposed scrutiny review of the planning, promotion and delivery of the Council’s programme of activities which accompanied the Tour de France. A report which had been considered by Cabinet at their meeting the previous evening was appended to the scrutiny report as Annex B. The Cabinet report detailed the outcomes achieved against the objectives set by Cabinet in 2013 and reported on the management of the event and lessons learned for the future.


In light of the information contained within the Cabinet report, the committee’s current review workload and the proposed consultation the committee had previously identified for the review, Members were asked to consider whether the agreed aim identified at paragraph five of the report was still appropriate and whether the review could be undertaken within the current municipal year.


Some Members expressed the view that the Cabinet report did not address the issues identified in the committee’s proposed review remit and that the review should still be undertaken in order to address those issues. They confirmed they were happy with the proposed review remit. 


Members agreed that the high workload associated with the three ongoing reviews and the limited time remaining before the end of the municipal year (noting also the start of the purdah period on 30 March) would make it difficult to undertake the review during the current municipal year. Some Members felt it would be better to prioritise the review on the committee’s workplan for the next municipal year.


Members however acknowledged also that the forthcoming election would mean a change in the committee’s membership and that it could be some months into the new municipal year before the new committee would be ready to commence a review. Some members felt that it would be difficult to pass the review onto a new set of members and raised concerns that it may not get undertaken. Some felt that if the committee did not start the review now, it would look bad from a public viewpoint.


Following discussion and consideration of the above factors, it was agreed that the Tour de France review should be deferred until the next municipal year but that priority should be given to this review going forward as the first review of the next municipal year. Members agreed it would be possible to seek nominations to the Task Group at the same time as seeking nominations to the Committee.


Resolved:      (i)         That, due to the limited timeframe and current heavy review workload, the Tour de France Scrutiny review be deferred until the next municipal year.


                        (ii)        That the proposed remit be agreed and the review be prioritised on the workplan for the forthcoming year.


Reason:         In order that the Committee is able to devote the required time and effort to undertaking the review in line with scrutiny procedures and protocols.


Meeting: 20/01/2015 - Executive (Item 88)

88 Delivery of the Tour de France in York and Yorkshire 2014 pdf icon PDF 257 KB

The purpose of this report is to update Cabinet on the outcomes achieved through the delivery of the Tour de France ‘Grand Depart’ in Yorkshire in July 2014, and in particular the impact of the second day start in York.

Additional documents:


Resolved:  That Cabinet agree to note the outcomes achieved against the delivery objectives of the Tour de France in York.

Reason:     To ensure that Cabinet receives full details of the outcomes of the Tour de France event,  both for the city and regionally, together with information on lessons learnt in relation to any future similar events.



Consideration was given to a report which updated Cabinet on the outcomes achieved through the delivery of the Tour de France ‘Grand Depart’ in Yorkshire in 2014, in particular the impact of the second day start in the city.

Details of the local delivery, communications including the event management and lessons learned and the economic and commercial benefits were reported. Member’s attention was drawn to examples of the legacy for communities, culture and health and to the provisional outturn compared to budget for the event, which had shown a net balance of £49k and would be managed as part of the Communities and Neighbourhoods budget.

Officers paid tribute to Team York and all staff, partners, agencies and communities involved for their input into the success of the event.

Members viewed a video which provided a taste of the event around the city.

Members shared their highlights of the Tour de France and associated events and acknowledged its success and the resulting legacy for the city. They confirmed that lessons had been learnt from the delivery the Grand Departy Concert but pointed out that this should not overshadow the success of the overall event. 

 Resolved: That Cabinet agree to note the outcomes achieved against the delivery objectives of the Tour de France in York.

Reason:     To ensure that Cabinet receives full details of the outcomes of the Tour de France event, both for the city and regionally, together with information on lessons learnt in relation to any future similar events.



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