Issue - meetings

Nexus, 25 George Hudson Street (06/00174/FUL)

Meeting: 22/06/2006 - West & City Centre Area Planning Sub-Committee (Item 5)

5 Nexus, 25 George Hudson Street (06/00174/FUL) pdf icon PDF 95 KB

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Members considered a full application for the conversion of a former food store to nightclub with internal and external alterations to frontage, submitted by McMillan York Ltd.


A document ‘Nexus – A first class leisure venue for a first class city’ was tabled at the committee.


Officers advised that if Members were minded to approve the application then it would need to be subject to a satisfactory Section 106 agreement to cover the outstanding CCTV and bus service issues.


Mr Clark, a neighbour addressed the committee and raised concerns about the negative impact of this development on the residents of Tanner Row and challenged why a nightclub of the proposed scale was needed in the City Centre. 


Mr Wright, addressed the committee on behalf of the applicant and explained that discussions were still needed between the stakeholders in respect of the night bus service.  Further, the applicant was happy to comply with the CCTV requirements but was awaiting a clarification on cost.  Mr Wright described the concept of having a ticket entrance fee and that customers would spend  much longer in the club than currently. 


Cllr Merrett, Ward Member for Micklegate, addressed the committee and raised significant concerns about the negative impact that the proposal would have on the Micklegate area.  His concerns included potential increases in anti-social behaviour and crime.  He was concerned that the committee heeded the strong objections from residents and the police and underlined that there were 50 residents living only 200 yards from the location.  Reference was made to a noise survey that had been conducted in the area and the view was expressed that this club would only increase that problem.  He emphasised the need for full CCTV coverage and satisfactory resolution to the extension of the night time bus service. 


The meeting was adjourned for 10 minutes whilst advice was sought as to whether members of the West and City Centre Areas Planning Sub-Committee who were also members of the Licensing Act 2003 Sub Committee Hearings asked for clarification about their role in determining the planning application and then any future licensing applications.  Advice was provided that was as long as Members were able to clearly able to distinguish the separate issues of licensing considerations and planning considerations then Members would be able to act on both.  However, the members concerned then stated that as there was substantial overlap between planning and licensing considerations in the report and also in the issues raised by speakers they were going to determine the planning application and would not determine any future licensing applications.


Cllr Horton moved and Cllr B Watson seconded, refusal on this application on the grounds of “public order and safety, crime and disorder and impact on residential amenity” and on being put to the vote the motion was declared lost.    



That the application be approved in line with the conditions and informatives outlined in the report with the exception of conditions 5 and 8 and subject to a satisfactory  Section 106  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5


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