Issue - meetings

Petition From Residents Of Copmanthorpe Requesting A New Footway On Temple Lane

Meeting: 07/06/2006 - Executive Members for City Strategy and Advisory Panel (Item 10)

10 Petition From Residents Of Copmanthorpe Requesting A New Footway On Temple Lane pdf icon PDF 50 KB

This report advises the Executive Members of the receipt of a petition from residents of Copmanthorpe requesting a new footway link on Temple Lane.  The report recommends further feasibility work be undertaken to estimate the latest cost implications of the scheme.

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to a report which reported receipt of a petition from residents of Copmanthorpe requesting a new footway link on Temple Lane.


Officers confirmed that this scheme had been one of several put forward as a result of the Copmanthorpe Village Traffic Study in 1999/2000 and was included as a reserve scheme in the 2005/06 capital programme but funding pressures meant the scheme was deferred. Feasibility work undertaken at the time had shown several areas of concern that would affect the cost of the scheme relating to the presence of utilities on the verge, potential problems with drainage and the fact that land may have to be acquired to provide a footway of sufficient width.


Local Members supported the provision of this essential link in the footway and requested costing of the scheme and implementation as soon as possible.  Officers confirmed that in the short term a vehicle activated sign was to be erected out of Ward Committee funds but that all aspects of safety would be examined  in the feasibility study which may include other safety features.


Members considered the two options available


a)     to investigate the costs of providing the footway by commissioning  further feasibility work, or;


b)  to reject the proposal.


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member for City Strategy be advised:


i)                    That the contents of the petition be noted and Officers be asked to commission further feasibility work ;


ii)                  That it be noted that the results of the feasibility work will be fed into the annual scheme prioritisation process;


iii)                That  Officers reply to the lead petitioner on the Panels decision;


iv)                That Officers report back to the Panel on the outcome of the feasibility work.



Decision of the Executive Member


RESOLVED:That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and the suggested decisions, above, be endorsed.


REASON: To contribute towards making Temple Lane, Copmanthorpe safer for pedestrians.


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