Issue - meetings

Selby Road Petition

Meeting: 01/12/2011 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired (Item 26)

26 Selby Road Double White Line Petition pdf icon PDF 70 KB

This report brings to the attention of the Cabinet Member a petition from residents of Selby Road, Fulford supporting Councillor Aspden’s request for a double white line system adjacent to the bus lane between the A64 and Naburn Lane.

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RESOLVED:                That the Cabinet Member for City Strategy:


i)             Notes the concern raised in the petition and agrees to take no further action regarding the installation of a double white line scheme subject to officers re examining current regulations governing the use of lines in such locations;


ii)           Recommend the issue be taken to the Ward Committee for consideration to fund an island if feasible.

REASON:                     Because the location does not meet the very strict visibility criteria set out in the regulations governing the use of signs and lines and there is no budget set aside for any physical highway works in this location.



Consideration was given to a report which brought to the attention of the Cabinet Member a petition from residents of Selby Road supporting Councillor Aspden’s request for a double white line system adjacent to the bus lane between the A64 and Naburn Lane.


A Selby Road resident and signatory of the petition expressed concerns at the officers report as safety did not appear to be the primary concern only funding and budgets. He requested details of the safety audit undertaken and referred to inaccuracies in the report relating to the use of double white lines. Additional concerns were raised in respect of the use of the Fulford Road bus lane by motor cycles and to the accident risk this posed.


Councillor Aspden spoke as local member for Fulford and confirmed that whilst the report acknowledged residents concerns it did not attempt to address them. Reference was again made to the inconsistent use of white lines across the city and he requested the Cabinet Member to take account of these concerns and request officers to re examine the use of road markings on Selby Road.


Officers confirmed that they would consult colleagues and re examine their interpretation of the regulations in relation to this issue. Their findings would be reported back to the Cabinet Member and Cllr Aspden. 1.


Consideration was then given to the following options:

A.    To note the petition and take no further action at this time other than to suggest the issue be taken to the Ward Committee for consideration to fund an island. This is the recommended option.

B.    To seek funding from the capital projects budget. This is not the recommended option because there are already more schemes than the budget can progress.

The Cabinet Member referred to the reduced funding level for schemes with safety being an important issue however priorities had to be set.

RESOLVED:                That the Cabinet Member for City Strategy:


i)             Notes the concern raised in the petition and agrees to take no further action regarding the installation of a double white line scheme subject to officers re examining current regulations governing the use of lines in such locations; 2.


ii)           Recommend the issue be taken to the Ward Committee for consideration to fund an island if feasible. 3.

REASON:                     Because the location does not meet the very strict visibility criteria set out in the regulations governing the use of signs and lines and there is no budget set aside for any physical highway works in this location.



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