Issue - meetings

Consideration of a proposal to grant fund York's Dial & Ride operation

Meeting: 03/11/2011 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired (Item 21)

21 Review of Council Supported Community Transport Services pdf icon PDF 131 KB

This report examines the way the Council supports York Wheels Limited and  the arrangements currently in place to deliver York’s Dial and Ride service. The report also recommends a response to a proposal from York Wheels to take a greater role in planning and delivering community transport services.

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RESOLVED:                That the Cabinet Member for City Strategy agrees to the following recommendations  to Cabinet: *


i)             To note the report contents.


ii)            Agree to York Wheels taking responsibility and control for the planning and delivery of Dial and Ride, within the context of a revised service level agreement.


iii)          Ask officers to negotiate the details of a service level agreement with York Wheels to support the range of services that it currently delivers and its Dial and Ride service.


iv)          Agree to the requested grant settlement for the period January to December 2012 and delegate responsibility to officers for the grant agreement for subsequent years within agreed budgetary limitations.


REASON:                     This course of action will allow the Council to continue to support York Wheels in its delivery of services to York residents at a sustainable cost. It will also allow York Wheels the flexibility to adapt its services to the changing needs of York’s residents and communities.


*This decision will be put to the Cabinet for agreement on 6 December as Cllr Merrett expressed a personal non prejudicial interest in relation to this item as a founder member of York Wheels. Although he had had no direct involvement with the body for a number of years he also knew the Operations Manager also a Cabinet member.



The Cabinet Member considered a report which outlined the current support given to York Wheels and the arrangements currently in place to deliver York’s Dial and Ride service which the charity managed and delivered on a day to day basis for the Council.


York Wheels proposed taking a greater role in planning and delivering the community transport services.


The Cabinet Member considered the following options:


A.  Continue to award the annual grant, at the same level, to York Wheels for its other operations and conduct a tendering exercise to procure a Dial & Ride service from the open market

B.  Implement a framework service level agreement with York Wheels, with a fixed grant payment each year and with York Wheels taking responsibility for the planning and delivery of Dial & Ride.

It was reported that under both options the Council would pass over a number of responsibilities to the service operator whilst retaining others, details of which were set out at paragraphs 19 and 20 of the report.


The Cabinet Member confirmed his support for Option B subject to negotiation of improved marketing in the financial settlement. 1.


RESOLVED:                That the Cabinet Member for City Strategy agrees to make the following recommendations  to Cabinet: *


i)             To note the report contents.


ii)            Agree to York Wheels taking responsibility and control for the planning and delivery of Dial and Ride, within the context of a revised service level agreement.


iii)          Ask officers to negotiate the details of a service level agreement with York Wheels to support the range of services that it currently delivers and its Dial and Ride service.


iv)          Agree to the requested grant settlement for the period January to December 2012 and delegate responsibility to officers for the grant agreement for subsequent years within agreed budgetary limitations. 2.


REASON:                     This course of action will allow the Council to continue to support York Wheels in its delivery of services to York residents at a sustainable cost. It will also allow York Wheels the flexibility to adapt its services to the changing needs of York’s residents and communities.


*This decision will be put to the Cabinet for agreement on 6 December as Cllr Merrett expressed a personal non prejudicial interest in relation to this item as a founder member of York Wheels. Although he had had no direct involvement with the body for a number of years he knew the Operations Manager who was also a Cabinet colleague.



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