Issue - meetings

Derwenthorpe Section 278, Phase 1 - Osbaldwick Lane, Pedestrian Crossing

Meeting: 03/11/2011 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired (Item 19)

19 Derwenthorpe Section 278, Phase 1 - Osbaldwick Lane, Pedestrian Crossing pdf icon PDF 126 KB

This report presents an update on the provision of a pedestrian crossing point on Osbaldwick Lane as part of the planning conditions imposed on the Derwenthorpe housing development. The report examines feedback from consultation on a zebra crossing scheme and possible alternatives.

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RESOLVED:                That the Cabinet Member for City Strategy agrees to:


 i)          Note the concerns raised in relation to the zebra crossing proposal.


ii)          Give in principle approval and authorises consultation on the suggested alternative scheme detailed at paragraph 25 of the report (Annex C) with feedback being reported back to a future meeting.


REASON:                     To provide the most suitable solution for accommodating increased pedestrian crossing movements on Osbaldwick Lane.



The Cabinet Member considered a report which updated him on work undertaken in relation to the provision of a crossing point on Osbaldwick Lane as part of the planning conditions imposed on the Derwenthorpe housing development.


Details of feedback following consultation on a zebra crossing scheme and possible alternative proposals were presented by officers for consideration.


The Cabinet Member considered the following options in respect of his decision:


a) Approve the original proposals for a zebra crossing to the west of the Hambleton Avenue junction, with approval to advertise a Traffic Regulation Order to introduce parking restrictions to complement the new crossing. 


b) Grant in principle approval and authorise consultation on the alternative scheme with feedback to be reported back to a future meeting.

The Cabinet Member expressed support for the revised scheme following the results of resident and member consultation. He did however request officers to undertake further discussions with Councillor Warters in respect of the issues he had raised at the meeting. 1.


RESOLVED:                That the Cabinet Member for City Strategy agrees to:


 i)          Note the concerns raised in relation to the zebra crossing proposal.


ii)          Give in principle approval and authorises consultation on the suggested alternative scheme detailed at paragraph 25 of the report (Annex C) with feedback being reported back to a future meeting. 2.


REASON:                     To provide the most suitable solution for accommodating increased pedestrian crossing movements on Osbaldwick Lane.


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