Issue - meetings

Six Monthly Speed Review

Meeting: 16/03/2009 - Executive Members for City Strategy and Advisory Panel (Item 100)

100 Six Monthly Review Speeding Issues pdf icon PDF 67 KB

The report advises Members of the locations where concerns about traffic speeds have been raised, and provides an update on progress towards assessing these against the agreed prioritisation framework.  It also gives an update on the use of Vehicle Activated Signs (VAS) and recommends that Members support the continuation of a partnership approach to dealing with speeding complaints.

The report also recommends that Members support the provision of a funding allocation to be made for speed management schemes in the Transport Capital Programme budget for 2009/10.

Additional documents:


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Advisory Panel advise the Executive Member for City Strategy to:


(i)                 Give support to any joint working initiatives which result in a wider, more in depth process to tackle speed issues in York (Speed Review Process, Option 1);

(ii)               Request a VAS report which will take into consideration the findings of the speed surveys taken at VAS sites and will give options on what should be the best course of action at existing VAS sites and possible criteria for siting of any new VAS signs identified by the criteria from March 2009 (VAS Site Review, Option 1);

(iii)             Support the funding allocation being made within the Transport Capital Programme 2009/10 for speed management proposals to enable any that come out of the process over that period to be progressed.

Decision of the Executive Member for City Strategy


RESOLVED:That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


 REASON:   To update Members on the locations where concerns about traffic speeds have been raised, and on progress towards assessing these against the agreed prioritisation framework.


Consideration was given to a report, which updated Members on collaborative work, with the Police and Fire Service, to streamline and widen the agreed prioritisation framework. 


The report advised of locations where concerns about traffic speeds had been raised, and provided an update on progress towards assessing these against the agreed prioritisation framework. Updates were also given on the use of Vehicle Activated Signs (VAS) as a speed management tool around the City.


Members questioned the following points:

  • Method of advertising the new “standardised form” produced to document speeding concerns by residents, elected members and Ward Committee or Parish/Town Councils;
  • Collation of information from Vehicle Activated Signs and the need for Police enforcement;


The Executive Member stated that the new “standardised form” for speeding complaints should now be available for all “on-line”. Officers confirmed that they would undertake to accept these forms electronically.


Consideration was then given to the following options: 


Speed Review Process


Option 1 - As stated earlier in the report (at 10) North Yorkshire Police made the decision to use this new process for all speed complaints received by them from November 2008.  As the CYC process sits within this wider remit, it would seem appropriate for us to continue to work in partnership.  This is recommended.


Option 2 - To revert back to our own, independent, but smaller process, which would leave agencies and systems running concurrently. This is not recommended.

VAS Site Review


Option 1 - Annex D, the update on the VAS signs, suggests that after 3 years the usefulness of this equipment as a speed reduction measure is questionable.  In view of the fact that, a proportion of existing VAS signs have been purchased by Ward Committees, and some are located in areas of community concern, it is proposed to provide a more in-depth report to review the options available for determining what, if anything should be the next step, for existing VAS sites and if there should be a more robust criteria for installation of new VAS signs.  This is recommended.


Option 2 - Officers will continue to monitor speeds at VAS sites and update Members as part of the Speed Review Process.  


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Advisory Panel advise the Executive Member for City Strategy to:


(i)                 Give support to any joint working initiatives which result in a wider, more in depth process to tackle speed issues in York (Speed Review Process, Option 1);

(ii)               Request a VAS report which will take into consideration the findings of the speed surveys taken at VAS sites and will give options on what should be the best course of action at existing VAS sites and possible criteria for siting of any new VAS signs identified by the criteria from March 2009 (VAS Site Review, Option 1); 1.

(iii)             Support the funding allocation being made within the Transport Capital Programme 2009/10 for speed management proposals to enable any that come out of the process over that period to be progressed. 2.

Decision  ...  view the full minutes text for item 100


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