Issue - meetings

Access York Phase 1 Park & Ride development - Programme and Consultation Plan

Meeting: 29/07/2008 - Executive - for meetings from 03/06/00 to 26/04/11 (Item 44)

44 Access York Phase 1 Park & Ride development - Programme and Consultation Plan pdf icon PDF 105 KB

This report seeks approval for proposals to progress a major scheme bid to the Department for Transport for three new Park & Ride sites, with associated alterations to the highway infrastructure, bus corridor works and the fully operational bus services to be in place by 2011, following the success of the Council’s application to the Regional Transport Board for Regional Funding Allocation.

Additional documents:


RESOLVED: (i)         That Officers be instructed to proceed with this project, bringing reports back to the Executive at key stages.


                        (ii)        That the delivery arrangements and the creation of a Project Board be approved.


                        (iii)       That the consultation process on the basis of a single site at Askham Bar be approved.


                        (iv)       That the consultation process based on the A59 site adjacent to Boroughbridge Road, previously identified as Site 2 and shown as such on the plan at Annex D, be approved.


                        (v)        That the possibility of a subway at the A59/ORR be included in the pre-application consultation.


                        (vi)       That the initial consultation process based on all three sites at Wigginton Road, as identified on the plan at Annex E, plus an additional site on the south-west of the junction, be approved.


                        (vi)       That Officers be asked to ensure that local Ward Members and Parish Councils, together with residents (through the Ward Committee newsletters), are kept up to date with progress and that an early opportunity is given to all parties to have an input into plans for the sites prior to any planning applications being drawn up.


REASON:      To enable progression of the Major Scheme Bid, which will make a significant contribution to sustainable transport in the City, and to ensure proper consultation with interested parties.


Members considered a report which sought approval for proposals to progress a Major Scheme Bid (MSB) to the Department for Transport (DfT) for three new Park & Ride sites, following the success of the Council’s application to the Regional Transport Board (RTB) for Regional Funding Allocation (RFA).  The report also examined the outline programme and proposals to ensure the successful completion of the Park & Ride sites project.


The Executive had already agreed to the release of £164k from Council reserves to fund the development of the MSB and the preparation of the Outer Ring Road bid to the RTB (Minute 206 of the meeting on 22 April 2008 refers).  It was anticipated that £110k of this would be needed to develop the MSB.  It was proposed to fund the remaining £540k from the City Strategy Capital Programme.  The Council had the option to proceed with the MSB or not; however, without it there would be little prospect of being able to fund any of the new Park & Ride sites.  Details of the proposed arrangements for delivery of the project, which would require a Project Board, Project Team and dedicated Project Manager, were set out in paragraphs 16 to 22 of the report.


The report went on to examine site options and consultation proposals should Members decide to proceed with the MSB.  It was proposed to carry out pre-application consultation on the following potential site locations, details of which were contained in the report and in the plans at Annexes C, D and E:

  • Askham Bar - land between Tadcaster Road and the Railway.
  • A59 Boroughbridge Road - site adjacent to the A59 (identified as ‘site 2’ in previous consultations).
  • Inclusion in the bid of a subway to allow pedestrians and cyclists to cross the Outer Ring Road north of the A59 Roundabout (subject to justification of the additional cost of approx. £700k).
  • Wigginton Road – 3 potential alternative sites at the Wigginton Road / A1237 junction.

After consultation and further feasibility work, a report would be brought to Members recommending a preferred site for progression through the planning process.


In respect of Wigginton Road, the Executive Member for City Strategy suggested that, for completeness, the option of a fourth site to the south-west be included in the consultation.


Having noted the advice of the Shadow Executive on this item, it was


RESOLVED: (i)         That Officers be instructed to proceed with this project, bringing reports back to the Executive at key stages.1


                        (ii)        That the delivery arrangements and the creation of a Project Board be approved. 2


                        (iii)       That the consultation process on the basis of a single site at Askham Bar be approved. 3


                        (iv)       That the consultation process based on the A59 site adjacent to Boroughbridge Road, previously identified as Site 2 and shown as such on the plan at Annex D, be approved. 4


                        (v)        That the possibility of a subway at the A59/ORR be included in the pre-application consultation. 4


                        (vi)       That the initial consultation process based  ...  view the full minutes text for item 44


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