Issue - meetings

Establishing an Integrated Youth Service for York

Meeting: 21/01/2008 - Executive Member for Children and Young People's Services and Advisory Panel (Item 53)

53 Establishing an Integrated Youth Service for York pdf icon PDF 60 KB

This report summarises the progress towards establishing an integrated service for young people in York, since the decision in principle at the Executive meeting on 27 February 2007 to adopt a directly-managed model when responsibility for the Connexions service transfers to Local Authorities in April 2008.

Additional documents:


Advice of the Advisory Panel:


That the Executive Member be advised to:


·        Note the detailed work that has been undertaken to plan for the new integrated service for young people in York since the decision in principle to bring the Connexions service in-house, including wide consultation with stakeholders, staff and young people, and intensive negotiations with the current service provider.

·        Note the financial and other risks that exist, particularly around the TUPE matters that are still a matter of dispute with the current provider, the actions taken to minimise such risks, and to approve the actions and remit described in Annex B to the report.

·        Bring the Connexions service in-house from 1 April 2008 and the necessary steps be taken to effect a smooth transfer of staff and functions from that date.

·        Approve the proposed structure for the new service that is set out at Annex B.

·        Note the IT and property implications and the proposed upgrades to accommodation at Kingswater, Fulford and Moor Lane; and to approve in principle the expenditure of the one-off costs set out in Annex A, subject to reasonable Officer discretion over the detailed works schedules and the priorities within them.

·        Agree that three minor but significant contracts with third parties that are currently held by Connexions (described in Annex D) be rolled over for a further year pending a fuller impact assessment.


Decision of the Executive Member


RESOLVED:             That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:                  To ensure that the Council discharges its statutory obligations in the most efficient and effective manner, consistent with the vision of a professional, holistic, locality-based service for young people and to ensure that continuity of service is provided.


Members considered a report that informed them of the progress made towards establishing an integrated service for young people in York since the decision in principle at the Executive meeting on 27 February 2007 to adopt a directly managed model when responsibility for the Connexions Service transfers to Local Authorities in April 2008.


The report analyses the financial, Human Resources (HR) and other risks associated with the transfer and advises Members of the steps taken to minimise these. The report also outlines some of the detailed planning work that has taken place.


Members discussed the proposed upgrades to accommodation at Kingswater, Fulford and Moor Lane and the possibilities of using accommodation at George Hudson Street and Piccadilly.


Members agreed that the smaller contracts were very significant and were pleased to see that these would continue as part of the new service.


Advice of the Advisory Panel:


That the Executive Member be advised to:


·        Note the detailed work that has been undertaken to plan for the new integrated service for young people in York since the decision in principle to bring the Connexions service in-house, including wide consultation with stakeholders, staff and young people, and intensive negotiations with the current service provider.

·        Note the financial and other risks that exist, particularly around the TUPE matters that are still a matter of dispute with the current provider, the actions taken to minimise such risks, and to approve the actions and remit described in Annex B to the report.

·        Recommend to the Executive that the Connexions service be brought in house from 1 April 2008 and the necessary steps be taken to effect a smooth transfer of staff and functions from that date.1

·        Approve the proposed structure for the new service that is set out at Annex B.2

·        Note the IT and property implications and the proposed upgrades to accommodation at Kingswater, Fulford and Moor Lane; and to approve in principle the expenditure of the one-off costs set out in Annex A, subject to reasonable Officer discretion over the detailed works schedules and the priorities within them.3

·        Agree that three minor but significant contracts with third parties that are currently held by Connexions (described in Annex D) be rolled over for a further year pending a fuller impact assessment.4


Decision of the Executive Member


RESOLVED:             That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:                  To ensure that the Council discharges its statutory obligations in the most efficient and effective manner, consistent with the vision of a professional, holistic, locality-based service for young people and to ensure that continuity of service is provided.


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