Decision details

Public Consultation on a New Mandatory Power of Possession for Anti-Social Behaviour

Decision Maker: Decision Session - Executive Member for Economy and Strategic Planning

Decision status: Decision Made

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Purpose of Report: To endorse the response to the Government's proposals to provide a mandatory power of possession to enable landlords to take swifter action to evict their most anti-social tenants.
The Cabinet Member is asked to endorse the officers response.



RESOLVED:       That the Cabinet Member endorses the  response at Annex 1 of the report to the consultation document on the new mandatory power of possession for anti-social behaviour.


REASON:            To offer City of York Council’s views on the consultation paper.



Report author: Tom Brittain

Publication date: 01/11/2011

Date of decision: 01/11/2011

Decided at meeting: 01/11/2011 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Economy and Strategic Planning

Effective from: 04/11/2011

Accompanying Documents:


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