Decision details

Prioritisation of Supplementary Planning Documents

Decision Maker: Executive

Decision status: Decision Made (subject to call-in)

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Purpose of report: The list of SPDs to produce to support the plan was agreed at Executive in January 2023. This report seeks agreement on their prioritisation and timescales for production and to agree any new SPDs and/or guidance subsequently identified as a priority, and where resources allow.

The Executive will be asked to:

·         Agree the list of prioritised SPDs

·         Agree to additional SPDs and/or guidance production, where subsequently identified as a priority and where resources allow.

This item had been postponed to the Executive meeting on 18 July 2024, and has subsequently been postponed to the Executive meeting on 12 September 2024 due to the impact of the pre-election period.




                      i.         Noted progress of the ongoing production of the

Climate Change SPD;

                    ii.         Agreed the revised scope for the Housing SPD and Green Infrastructure SPD, as set out in Annex C, and continue to prioritise their production;

                   iii.         Agreed the scope for a ‘Planning for Heath’ SPD, as set out in Annex C, and agree its inclusion in the next phase of SPD prioritisation;

                  iv.         Noted the likely scope for a Transport SPD, as set out in Annex C, to support the implementation of the Local Transport Strategy. Further detail to be delegated to the Director for Transport, Environment and Planning in consultation with the Executive Member for Transport and Executive Member for Housing, Planning and Safer Neighbourhoods;

                    v.         Agreed that a Gypsy, Traveller and Travelling

Showpeople SPD be included in the next phase of prioritisation of SPDs. The scope of the SPD to be delegated to the Director for City Development on consultation with the Executive Member for Housing, Planning and Safer Neighbourhoods;

                  vi.         That SPDs for Extensions & Alterations of Buildings, Environmental Protection, Culture and Heritage & City Walls be agreed as lower priority for SPD production, due to limited internal capacity to progress these at this time;

                 vii.         That each draft SPD be reported to Executive for agreement to proceed to statutory public consultation and subsequently, adoption.


Reason:     To progress a suite of SPDs to support the policies set

out in the new City of York Local Plan to ensure policy is clear and applied consistently.


               viii.         Noted the response to the e-petition on HMO thresholds and agreed the continued monitoring of the policy’s implementation for consideration as part of future policy review;

                  ix.         Agreed the continued gathering of evidence to support a potential Article 4 direction to remove permitted development rights allowing changes of use of a building in commercial, business and service use (use class E) to residential (use class C3);

                    x.         Agreed the continued gathering of evidence ahead of Government introducing changes relating to short-term holiday lets, which could support a potential Article 4 direction to restrict permitted development rights and incorporate this into the Housing SPD, if timescales allow.


Reason:     to support implementation of the Local Plan and ensure

evidence is available to inform a local policy response as appropriate.

Report author: Alison Cooke

Publication date: 13/09/2024

Date of decision: 12/09/2024

Decided at meeting: 12/09/2024 - Executive

Date comes into force if not called in: 20/09/2024

Call-in deadline date: 19/09/2024

Current call-in Count: 0

Accompanying Documents:


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