Issue details

Haxby Road/Link Road Roundabout - Local Safety Scheme - Signing and Road Marking Improvements

Purpose of Report: Every year, the latest policy injury accident data for the Council area is analysed to identify any cluster or patterns, with a view to introducing highway safety measures to improve road safety at key locations. The Haxby Road/Link Road junction has been identified as an accident cluster site. This report puts forward a signing and road marking improvement scheme to help address any contributory factors in the accident data. It also summarises the consultation with interested parties in order to recommend a way forward.


The Cabinet Member is asked to approve the implementation of the proposals.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Decision Made

Wards affected: Haxby and Wigginton Ward;

Notice of proposed decision first published: 12/12/2012

Implication: Highways;

Level of Risk: 01-03 Acceptable;

Decision due: Between 01/02/13 and 28/02/13 by Executive Member for Transport and Planning

Lead member: Executive Member for Transport and Planning

Lead director: Corporate Director of Economy and Place

Department: Directorate of Economy and Place

Contact: Louise Robinson Tel No. 01904 551330; Email:

Consultation process

Please contact report author Louise Robinson, tel no. 01904 553463 or email:


Please contact report author Louise Robinson, tel no. 01904 553463 or email:

Making Representations: Please contact report author Louise Robinson, tel no. 01904 553463 or email:

Equality Impact Assessment Completed?: Not Applicable.

Background4: Not Applicable.



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