Issue details

Commissioning Children's Early Intervention Fund - an exemplar of Integrated Commissioning

Purpose of report: This report will set out recommendations for the commissioning of services through the Children's Early Intervention Fund. It will enable the legacy of services formerly provided by the Children's Fnd to be built upon. These services support vulnerable children predominantly in the 5-13 age range. Recommendations will cover the time period October 2008-March 2011. The effects of decisions will be seen from October 2008.

Members are asked to: The report will ask members to approve the recommendations for the commissioning of services through the Children's Early Intervention Fund.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status:

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Implication: Crime & Disorder; Equalities;

Level of Risk: 01-03 Acceptable;

Decision due: 04/09/08 by Executive Member for Children & Young People's Services
Reason: Item went to July EMAP

Lead member: Councillor Carol Runciman

Lead director: Corporate Director of Children, Education and Communities

Department: Directorate of Adults, Children & Education

Contact: Bernie Flanagan Email:

Consultation process



Recommendations will be made by the Integrated Commissioning Group through an Integrated Commissioning Framework. The framework has been produced through consultation with all agencies (both public and voluntary) and been agreed by Yor-OK Board. The Integrated Commissioning Group is a multi-agency group including public and voluntary representation. There will be additional consultation with children and young people via Yor-OK Involvement Stratgey.

Making Representations: N/A

Clearance: N/A


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