Issue - decisions

Petition calling for a bus service between Elvington and Monks Cross

17/07/2007 - Bus Services in Elvington

Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member for City Strategy be advised to:


(i)                 Approve that the Director of City Strategy be directed to explore with the East Riding of Yorkshire Council, East Yorkshire Motor Services, and other bus companies whether or not any potentially beneficial changes can be made to the existing bus service through Elvington at no additional cost to the Council.

(ii)               Approve that the Director of City Strategy is directed to consider the need and feasibility for bus service improvements for Elvington when development work is undertaken to implement the Bus Strategy within the Council’s Local Transport Plan.

(iii)             Approve that Officers explore the feasibility of a Friday night bus service to and from Elvington. The Friday night bus service in Wheldrake has been extremely successful and it may be possible to transfer the subsidy offered to that service to assist setting up a similar service in Elvington.

(iv)              Approve that Officers ask other bus service providers if they are interested in providing a bus service to Elvington.

(v)                Approve that Officers re-look at providing the Wheels to Work Service in this area.


Decision of the Executive Member for City Strategy


RESOLVED:             That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.



(i)                 To seek a positive response to the petitioners’ requests, which might improve patronage of the bus service, without incurring additional expenditure by the Council.

(ii)               To ensure that the villagers’ needs and aspirations are considered and assessed in conjunction with other desired improvements to the City’s bus service network.


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