Issue - decisions

Petition regarding bus fares in Heslington village

17/07/2007 - Petition objecting to Bus Service Fares

Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member for City Strategy be advised to:


1.      Note the content of the report, in particular, the Council’s success in persuading First York to introduce a discounted Family Ticket and to reverse the 100% increase in child single fares introduced in January 2006.

2.      Approve that the Council continues to have constructive dialogue with First York Ltd. about the fares being charged, with the aim of encouraging the Company to moderate increases as much as possible.

3.      Approve that Officers bring a report to a later meeting of the Executive Members for City Strategy and Advisory Panel contrasting ‘like for like’ bus fares in York and other Local Authorities and also within York itself.

4.      Approve that Officers further examine the options regarding cross-ticketing.


Decision of the Executive Member for City Strategy


RESOLVED:             That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.



(i)       Whilst the rate at which the cost of using bus services is a cause for concern, it is recognised that the Council’s ability to influence this is both severely limited and constrained.

(ii)     To ensure that the Company appreciates the Council’s concerns and is persuaded to take them into consideration when reviewing charges for the use of its services.


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