Issue - decisions

Traffic Calming on Penyghent Avenue, Burnholme

03/06/2008 - Traffic Calming Measures on Penyghent Avenue, Burnholme, York

Consideration was given to a report which advised Members of the outcome of consultation with local residents on a proposal to introduce additional traffic calming measures on Penyghent Avenue.

Officers reported that the accident and speed data made the possible introduction of additional traffic calming measures on Penyghent Avenue a low priority. They also pointed out that feedback from residents consultation revealed that more respondents were against the idea of additional traffic calming measures than were in favour and Officers therefore recommended that no further action be taken.

Consideration was given to the following Options:

Option 1 - Reject the possible introduction of additional traffic calming measures on Penyghent Avenue.

Option 2 -  Support the introduction of traffic calming measures on Penyghent Avenue, and request that a scheme proposal be put forward for consideration within the development of the Local Transport Plan (LTP) Capital Programme for 2009/10. 


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Advisory Panel advise the Executive Member for City Strategy to:

i)                    Note the outcome of the residents consultation survey;

ii)                  Reject the possible introduction of additional traffic calming measures on Penyghent Avenue.

Decision of the Executive Member for City Strategy


RESOLVED:That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:            To respond to the outcome of public consultation and to ensure that Local Transport Plan funding is put to best use.


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