Issue - decisions

Petition regarding anti-social behaviour

03/06/2008 - Update on Petition Regarding Anti-Social Behaviour

Members received a report, which advised them of actions taken by various agencies since 14 January 2008 to address anti-social behaviour in Rawcliffe. This was an update report following an initial report on actions taken in response to receipt of a petition by residents.


A multi-agency problem solving meeting involving the Ward Councillor, representatives from the Safer Neighbourhoods Policing Team, City of York Council Youth Services and Safer York Partnerships had been held in November 2007 to develop an action plan. Consideration was also given to the updated action plan, which had been prepared following a further meeting on 23 April 2008.


Arising out of this action plan the Safer York Partnership’s Architectural Liaison Officer had outlined a number of options that could be considered to “design out” some of the problems of anti-social behaviour in the area. These included control of the access, provision of fencing and a lockable gate at the children’s play area, security of the skate park and the provision of a youth shelter.


Advice of the Advisory Panel

That the Advisory Panel advise the Executive Leader to:

i) Note the action to date as outlined in the revised plan attached at Annex 1

ii) Address the recommendations made by the Safer York Partnership as follows:

Recommendation 1:

That an application be made for Target Hardening funding to provide a suitable kissing gate aimed at reducing access for motor vehicles

Recommendation 2:

That the local Ward Committee, Parish Council, recreation grounds management committee and local residents be consulted on whether an application should be made to the Ward Committee, Target Hardening and Safer York Partnership to provide funding to increase the height of the fencing around the children’s play ground, provide a lockable gate and to contract Mayfair Security - or other suitable agency - to undertake to lock the gate during the evening/overnight.

Recommendation 3:

Note that Barratts are now securing the skateboard park at night and requests the Parish Council, Ward Committee and recreation ground management committee to review the effectiveness of this policy as and when the skateboard park is adopted for maintenance purposes by the Council.

Recommendation 4:

That further consideration be given, following full consultation with relevant agencies and local residents, to the placement of a youth shelter in the area following an analysis of patterns and levels of behaviour which develop when the recommendations above have been implemented.


Decision of the Executive Leader


RESOLVED:That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:            To address anti-social behaviour in Rawcliffe.


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