Issue - decisions

Gas Servicing - Future Procurement

18/03/2008 - Gas Servicing Future Procurement

Members considered a report which presented details of the recent procurement exercise undertaken and which suggested future direction for the gas servicing and maintenance service to council dwellings.


Following analysis and evaluation it was considered that, if the whole service was brought together under the Housing Repairs Partnership, efficiencies could be delivered that would significantly reduce cost and increase performance. It was reported that under government protocol a contactor that did not offer the Most Economically Advantageous Tender (MEAT) must formally be approved by the Executive Member.


Option 1 - Approve the amendment to the Housing Repairs Partnership to include the whole of the gas servicing for the city under MEAT protocol.


Option 2 – Not approve the amendment to the Housing Repairs Partnership and request officers to undertake a formal tendering process for the servicing and maintenance of the Councils gas heating appliances in its homes.


Advice of the Advisory Panel


The Executive Member to note that this report, detailing the procurement exercise for the future direction of the gas servicing and maintenance service for council dwellings, is to be considered at the Executive meeting on 25 March 2008. 1


Decision of the Executive Member


RESOLVED:             That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:                  To secure service quality and value for money on behalf of the council’s tenants.



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