Issue - decisions

Administrative Accommodation Review - End of Stage 3 Report

17/06/2008 - Administrative Accommodation Review - End of Stage 3 Report

RESOLVED: (i)         That the content of the report, and the progress made on the accommodation project to date, be noted.


REASON:      To enable the Executive to monitor the project effectively.


                        (ii)        That the revised business case for the project in support of the latest design for the new headquarters building at Hungate be approved.  This shows a net present value of savings of £4.768m, an improvement of £2m since the original business case, and the early years revenue deficit of £2.094m, a reduction of £1m from the original business case, as detailed in Table 2 in the report.


REASON:      To ensure that the Council’s corporate imperative to rationalise its current administration portfolio is achieved, together with all the stated aims and outcomes of the project.


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