Agenda item

Independence, Well Being and Choice – Outcome of Inspection by the Commission for Social Care Inspection (CSCI)

This report gives Members an opportunity to comment on the detail of the CSCI inspection report received at the meeting on 20th October 2008 and the improvement plan presented at the same meeting.


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member be advised to:

(i)                 Note the report on the inspection by the Commission for Social Care Inspection and the improvement plan presented to the meeting on the 20 October 2008.

(ii)               Receive a progress report on the improvement plan in six months time.


Decision of the Executive Member


RESOLVED:That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:      (i)         To enable formal consideration of the inspection’s findings and the Council’s response.

                        (ii)        To ensure the effective scrutiny of the improvement plan.


Members considered a report, which asked them to comment on the details of the CSCI inspection report received at the meeting on 20th October and the improvement plan presented at the same meeting. The City of York was included in the CSCI national programme of inspections of Independence, Well Being and Choice for 2007-2009.  The objective of the inspection was to evaluate the City of York’s performance in ensuring social care outcomes for the population – particularly in relation the experiences of people who need social care services and with leadership and commissioning for the delivery of those services.


The Director of Housing and Adult Social Services highlighted the main aspects of the report.  He noted that the two biggest areas were: Safeguarding Adults and Staff Recruitment. 


In response to questions raised by Members, Officers confirmed that:

  • Record keeping at safeguarding meetings was being professionalised.
  • The re-launch of safeguarding procedures would give clarity over all safeguarding issues. In respect of financial abuse, whilst there had been, at the time of inspection, evidence of disproportionate numbers in York compared to other authorities for 2007/8, a subsequent review undertaken had not revealed any significant patterns and figures for the first half of 2008/9 were in proportion with other authorities.
  • In respect of people receiving Direct payments there had been no evidence of financial abuse and whilst the authority was signposting people to get assistance from accredited providers, individuals had choice and the role of the local authority was limited in this matter.
  • It was confirmed that there were higher levels of safeguarding referrals, but new resources had been agreed - an additional manager had been recruited to lead on safeguarding, additional care management to reduce pressure on the Intake Team, and a dedicated minute taking role.
  • That the findings of the inspection were fully accepted. 
  • On the question of the reporting of rushed visits to clients, it was confirmed that short visits of 15 minutes were made mainly for checking purposes, rather than for personal care. If longer visits were needed the costs would go up considerably. The department would be analysing the 15-minute visits and also looking at access to the warden call system as an alternative in some cases.
  • Hospital discharge. a) With regard to jointly managing the discharge process with NHS protocols, these protocols were being revised and there would not just be winter planning meetings, but more local meetings throughout the year on a monthly basis. b) Whilst the delays in discharges were now significantly reduced, the emphasis from the inspectors was moving to quality of outcomes and work on reviewing the hospital discharge protocols, and would take into account the need for follow-up after discharge through a quality assurance survey.
  • There had been some hard to reach individuals in the different ethnic groups.


The Executive Member noted that Safeguarding was an issue at the top of the agenda for older people, but that it was a non-statutory requirement and did not have the same strong statutory basis as child protection.  In the light of the recent history of Harringey, she added that the question arose of how an independent chair for the York Safeguarding Adult Partnership Board could be encouraged.  The Executive Member also referred to the Safeguarding Adults ‘No Secrets’ Consultation meeting held in November 2008 in Harrogate, where it had been noted that other authorities were facing similar issues.  It was stated that a response to the ‘No Secrets’ Meeting would be considered at its meeting in January 2009. (Any response from the Board would be made available to HASS EMAP Members).




Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member be advised to:

(i)                 Note the report on the inspection by the Commission for Social Care Inspection and the improvement plan presented to the meeting on the 20 October 2008.

(ii)               Receive a progress report on the improvement plan in six months time1.


Decision of the Executive Member


RESOLVED:That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:      (i)         To enable formal consideration of the inspection’s findings and the Council’s response.

                        (ii)        To ensure the effective scrutiny of the improvement plan.

Supporting documents:


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