Issue - meetings

Housing and Adult Social Services Service Plan 2007/08 monitor 2

Meeting: 10/12/2007 - Executive Member for Housing and Adult Social Services Advisory Panel (Item 39)

39 Housing and Adult Social Services 2007/08 Service Plans and Budget Second Monitor pdf icon PDF 57 KB

This report advises of progress against the service plan targets for Housing and Adult Social Services and the projected financial outturns for 2007/8, based on second quarter results, and seeks approval for budget virements exceeding £100,000.

Additional documents:


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Members be advised to note the contents of the report and agree the virements between £100k and £250k outlined above.


Decision of the Executive Members


RESOLVED:             That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:                  So that the Executive Members are briefed on the projected performance and financial outturns for housing and adult social services based on the second quarter of 2007/08.


Members considered a report, which advised them of progress against the service plan targets for housing and adult social services and the projected financial outturns for 2007/08, based on second quarter results.


The report summarised performance for each of the following service areas in relation to the key objectives:


·          Housing Revenue Account (Landlord services)

·          Housing General Fund

·          Corporate Services

·          Older People and Physical Disability

·          Mental Health

·          Learning Disabilities


It was reported that there had been some transitional issues associated with analysing adult social care data from the new Frameworki system that replaced ISIS after the first quarter. Following a recent software upgrade and at the time of publication not all the data was validated or available.


Directors had delegated authority to transfer available resources up to £100k from one budget heading to another but details of any budget variation in excess of £50k and those above £10k where the variation was greater than 2% above the budget heading. The virements within Housing and Adult Social Services to reflect current spending pressures were:



Variation  £’000

·          Corporate Services


·          Housing


·          Learning disabilities


·          Mental Health      



·          Older People and Physical Disabilities




The overall departmental position was now a projected net general fund overspend of £247k. It was reported that the Departmental Management Team were working towards bringing the expenditure back within budget by the end of the year which it was felt should be achievable.


Officers referred to Cllr Potters comments in relation to the rents on the new Housing Association homes to replace the Discus bungalows. Bill Hodson stated that tenants had been made aware that rents would increase and that the Authority had no direct influence over this. It had not been possible until recently to calculate the increase. He confirmed that approximately 70% of council tenants received housing benefits and that there will be a targeted take up campaign for current tenants of the Discus as they may also be able to claim additional benefits e.g. attendance or mobility allowance.


Some Members questioned the possibility of phasing in the increases where tenants were not receiving benefits to assist them in the transition period.


The Executive Member for Housing confirmed that the increase in rent levels had been discussed with tenants and that it was the Housing Association that set the level. She stated that the increase in rent might now take some tenants up to the threshold where they are entitled to receive benefits.


Following further questions from Members on the principle of assisting tenants during the transition period. Officers confirmed that they would need to seek further legal advice about the council’s powers in this situation and report back.


Members confirmed that they were pleased at Officers hard work, which would result in the Arclight Centre and the redevelopment of the Peasholme site both being completed by 2008. They also were encouraged by the reduction in the number of people going into residential care and improvements in the sickness rate.


Advice of the Advisory Panel


i)  ...  view the full minutes text for item 39


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