Issue - meetings

2006/07 Second Monitoring Report

Meeting: 07/12/2006 - Executive Member For Neighbourhood Services and Advisory Panel (Item 34)

34 2006/07 Second Monitoring Report - Finance and Performance pdf icon PDF 85 KB

To consider the latest projections for revenue and capital expenditure by the Neighbourhoods portfolio and traded accounts together with the first six months (06/07) performance against target for a number of key indicators that are made up of:-

·        Best Value Performance Indicators

·        Customer First Targets (letter and telephone answering)

·        Staff Management Targets (sickness absence).

Additional documents:


Members considered a report which presented the following information:


a)                 the latest projections for revenue and capital expenditure by the Neighbourhoods portfolio and traded accounts.


b)      first six months (06/07) performance against target for a number of key  indicators that are made up of:-


  • Best Value Performance Indicators
  • Customer First Targets (letter and telephone answering)
  • Staff Management Targets (sickness absence).


It was reported that current projections showed that Neighbourhood Services would overspend by £57k (0.4% of the net portfolio revenue budget) and as part of this the Executive Member was requested to give approval to the release of the contingency held over from last year to balance this budget to overcome the shortfall in the crematorium income.


Performance on key Best Value Indicators, especially on the waste service plan, were improving and reaching levels higher than in previous years.


Advice of the Advisory Panel


i)         That the Advisory Panel advise the Executive Member to approve the financial and performance position of the portfolio.


ii)       That the Advisory Panel advise the Executive Member to give approval for an application to the Executive for the release of £55k from contingency for the short fall in the Crematorium income previously set aside.



Decision of the Executive Member


RESOLVED:      That the advise of the Advisory Panel be accepted and    endorsed.


    REASON:       In accordance with budgetary and performance   monitoring procedures.


Members considered a report which presented the following information:


a)                 the latest projections for revenue and capital expenditure by the Neighbourhoods portfolio and traded accounts.


b)      first six months (06/07) performance against target for a number of key indicators that were made up of:-


  • Best Value Performance Indicators
  • Customer First Targets (letter and telephone answering)
  • Staff Management Targets (sickness absence).


It was reported that current projections showed that Neighbourhood Services would overspend by £57k (0.4% of the net portfolio revenue budget) and as part of this the Executive Member was requested to give approval to the release of the contingency held over from last year to balance this budget to overcome the shortfall in the crematorium income.


Officers reported that the main areas to note were

·        that they were closely monitoring the purchase of replacement bins with the option to purchase through the capital scheme, if necessary

·        the overspend of the Toilet Cleaning contract which had been addressed with changes to the service agreed.

·        the overspend on Waste Management as a result of additional security required at all three Household Waste Recycling Centres.


Members questioned the problems arising at the recycling centres and the use of CCTV surveillance, when performance overview details would next be available and whether the rebranding exercise had been undertaken within existing budgets. Officers confirmed that the final outturn monitoring report to EMAP would not be presented until late May early June but that key headline information could be made available to Members prior to that. In answer to a question Officers confirmed that additional waste minimisation proposals would be relaunched early in the New Year.


Advice of the Advisory Panel


i)         That the Advisory Panel advise the Executive Member to approve the financial and performance position of the portfolio.


ii)       That the Advisory Panel advise the Executive Member to give approval for an application to the Executive for the release of £55k from contingency for the short fall in the Crematorium income previously set aside.


iii)     That Officers arrange for Members to receive briefings/reports containing headline performance figures prior to the final outturn report in May.



Decision of the Executive Member


RESOLVED:      That the advise of the Advisory Panel be accepted and    endorsed.


REASON:       In accordance with budgetary and performance   monitoring procedures.


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