Issue - meetings

Street Lighting Policy – Update

Meeting: 12/07/2018 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired (Item 9)

9 Street Lighting Policy Update pdf icon PDF 178 KB

The Executive Member is asked to consider and approve the redrafted Street Lighting Policy.


Additional documents:


Resolved:  (i)      That the redrafted Street Lighting Policy be referred to the relevant scrutiny committee for their consideration and comments prior to coming back to the Executive Member for approval.


(ii)      That a review of the Streetscape Guidance take place as planned and that officers be advised to treat the Streetscape Strategy and Guidance as guidance only.


Reason:     To ensure a proportionate and consistent approach to the management of street lighting across the city.


The Executive Member considered a report which proposed updates to the Street Lighting Policy to reflect changes identified as part  of a recent review. The key changes were to strengthen the policy about sensitive areas of the city and differentiate between the historic core and conservation areas, and to improve the policy with regards to managing the risk between trees and lamp columns. The review had also highlighted that the Street Lighting Policy and the Streetscape Strategy and Guidance did not give consistent advice and that the Streetscape Strategy and Guidance needed updating and should be confirmed as guidance only.


The Head of Highways and Fleet and the Assistant Director, Transport, Highways and Environment were in attendance at the meeting. In response to concerns raised during public participation officers confirmed that if moving a lighting column from the front to the back of the pavement would mean it was impeded by trees, this would not be done. In relation to consulting with Ward Members, officers noted that a balance needed to be struck – if one lighting column needed replacing, it would be replaced to match with the surroundings as stated in the policy, without consultation, however if lighting needed to be replaced on a whole street, they would be happy to consult with the relevant ward councillors.


The Executive Member expressed the view that, due to the number of comments which had been received in relation to the policy, the updated policy should be referred to scrutiny so that scrutiny members had the opportunity to comment on the proposed changes before bringing it back to the Executive Member for approval. He noted that the Streetscape Strategy and Guidance also needed updating and that this could go ahead as planned.


Resolved:  (i)      That the redrafted Street Lighting Policy be referred to the relevant scrutiny committee for their consideration prior to coming back to the Executive Member for approval.


(ii)      That a review of the Streetscape Strategy and Guidance take place as planned and that officers be advised to treat the Streetscape Strategy and Guidance as guidance only.


Reason:     To ensure a proportionate and consistent approach to the management of street lighting across the city.


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