Issue - meetings

Final Report of the Sustainable Street Lighting Scrutiny Sub-Committee

Meeting: 25/07/2006 - Executive - for meetings from 03/06/00 to 26/04/11 (Item 49)

Final Report of the Sustainable Street Lighting Scrutiny Sub-Committee

This report asks the Executive to consider the final report of the Environment and Sustainability Scrutiny Board and Sustainable Street Lighting Scrutiny Sub-Committee on the topic of “Street Lighting - Strategic Management  & Procurement to Reduce Carbon Dioxide Emissions and Waste.”


RESOLVED: (i)         That the report be noted.


(ii)               That an Officer report be requested from City Strategy and Resources on the implications of the recommendations and that this report be presented at the Executive meeting on 26 September for the Executive to comment upon each of the outcomes deriving from the recommendations.


Members considered a report which presented the final report of the Environment and Sustainability Scrutiny Board and the Sustainable Street Lighting Sub-Committee on the topic “Street Lighting – Strategic Management & Procurement to Reduce Carbon Dioxide Emissions and Waste”.


The final report had been agreed by the Scrutiny Board at their meeting on 21 July and subsequently approved by the Scrutiny Management Committee, on 26 July, for referral to the Executive.  Members were asked to consider whether to approve the findings and recommendations set out in the report, which was attached as Annex A.


Members welcomed the report, which accorded with the Council’s commitment to improving the efficient use of energy and reducing the City’s ecological footprint.  However, it did not include an Officer appraisal of the budgetary and resourcing issues relating to the recommendations.  It was therefore proposed that the Executive reserve its comments until that information was available.  It was suggested that potential EU funding sources for street lighting improvements also be investigated in the meantime.


RESOLVED: (i)         That the report be noted.


                        (ii)        That an Officer report be requested from City Strategy and Resources on the implications of the recommendations and that this report be presented to the Executive meeting on 26 September for Members to comment upon each of the outcomes deriving from the recommendations.


REASON:      To ensure that Executive Members are fully aware of the implications of the recommendations before making their comments.


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