Issue - meetings

The Annual Audit Letter 2004/05 and Action Plan

Meeting: 06/06/2006 - Audit and Governance Committee (Item 5)

5 The Annual Audit Letter 2004/05 and Action Plan pdf icon PDF 46 KB

This report sets out for approval the action plan prepared further to the Annual Letter of the District Auditor, and covers all of the significant issues raised therein for internal monitoring and reporting purposes during 2006/07.

Additional documents:


Members considered a report which presented for approval an action plan prepared in response to the Annual Letter of the District Auditor, covering all the significant issues raised therein for internal monitoring and reporting purposes during 2006/07.


It was noted that, whilst the District Auditor had recognised the overall trend in 2004/05 as one of improvement, there were a number of significant matters requiring action.  In particular, more work was needed to:

  • Improve the Council’s overall governance arrangements
  • Improve the use of competition to achieve value for money and service improvement
  • Improve planning linkages between key plans and strategies
  • Ensure the delivery of a new Constitution.


The Annual Letter was attached as Annex A to the report and the action plan drawn up to address the issues raised was attached as Annex B.  The plan would be monitored at an operational level by the Council’s Corporate Management Team.  Progress would be reported to the Audit and Governance Committee on the basis of a mid-term monitoring report and a final out-turn report.


It was noted that clarification was needed with regard to the due dates indicated in the plan against improvement of waste minimisation (page 50 of the papers) and Equalities (page 51).


RESOLVED: (i)         That the content of the report be noted and that the Plan attached as Annex 1 be approved, for information and for on-going monitoring purposes.


REASON:      To allow the effective on-going monitoring of progress against the agreed action plan, in order to address those matters identified as areas for improvement by the District Auditor.


                        (ii)        That the reporting arrangements be approved, to be put in place for this Committee to monitor progress against the Plan during 2006/07.


REASON:      To ensure the proper reporting of progress against the agreed action plan and effective monitoring by this Committee.


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