Issue - meetings

Green space Section 106 Investment Options

Meeting: 27/02/2013 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Culture, Leisure and Communities (Item 54)

54 Improving York Green Spaces: Use of Section 106 Funds pdf icon PDF 108 KB

This report seeks the approval of the Cabinet Member to use Section 106 payments that have already been received by the Authority to improve York’s green spaces as set out in Annex 1.



RESOLVED:       That approval be given to the use of Section 106 funds on those schemes identified in Annex 1 of the report.


REASON:            To meet the requirements of the planning process and Council ambitions.


The Cabinet Member received a report which sought her approval to use Section 106 payments that had already been received by the Authority to improve York’s green spaces.


The Head of Parks and Open Spaces explained how Section 106 payments were received as part of the planning process and how these funds are invested in schemes . He drew the Cabinet Member’s attention to the project list at Annex A which provided detailed of complete, ongoing and planned and possible new projects.


With regard to improving the transparency of the use of Section 106 funds, he confirmed that any Member can request to view this list at any time by contacting him. 


He explained that from 2014, the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) would operate as one pot, driven by the local plan process, operating at different levels with neighbourhood plans feeding into it. He stated that this would result in larger scope and greater opportunities for accumulating funds for bigger projects. The Cabinet Member suggested it would be beneficial for Members to receive training on these changes in their role as Ward Councillors.


RESOLVED:       That approval be given to the use of Section 106 funds on those schemes identified in Annex 1 of the report.


REASON:           To meet the requirements of the planning process and Council ambitions.


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