Issue - meetings

Westminster Road Petitions

Meeting: 01/09/2009 - Decision Session - Executive Member for City Strategy (Item 25)

25 Westminster Road Petitions pdf icon PDF 67 KB

This report presents the results of initial survey information and options in response to the two petitions received regarding the change in traffic conditions due to work being carried out on Water End earlier in the year.


[Annex G to this report will follow setting out the scrutiny task groups views (and those of the parent Scrutiny Committee members) on those elements of an ongoing CCfA (Councillor Call for Action) which may impact upon this report being considered by the Executive Member]

Additional documents:


RESOLVED:             That the Executive Member agrees to:


i)Approve the course of action detailed in Options A and B of the report be approved which will allow:


a.      Further surveys to be undertaken once the road humps on Westminster Road have been replaced and the results reported to a future Decision Session meeting


b.      Progress the introduction of a 20 mph limit and undertake a review of the School Travel Plan


(ii)               Options G and H in the report be given further consideration as part of the reporting of the above;


(iii)             That the option of introducing build outs or chicanes as a method of controlling both traffic speed and volumes also be evaluated;


REASON:                  These options to take forward for further works to alleviate traffic problems encountered by residents in the Westminster Road and The Avenue are considered to be the most appropriate options to progress at this time.


The Executive Member considered a report that presented the results of initial survey information and options in response to the two petitions received regarding the change in traffic conditions due to works carried out on Water End earlier in the year.


The Executive Member referred to the additional comments received from the Economic and City Development Overview and Scrutiny Committee Task Group, which had been republished with the agenda. The group had set out their comments in relation to the following options detailed in the report:


Option A – Further Survey  (paragraph 25 of the report)


Option B – 20 mph Speed Limit/School Travel Plan Review (paragraph 26 of the report)


Option C – Access Only Order (paragraph 28 of the report)


Option D – Banned Turning Manoeuvres (paragraph 29 of the report)


Option E – One Way Traffic (paragraph 30 of the report)


Option F – Banned turning manoeuvres with junction alterations (paragraph 32 of the report)


Option G – Point Closure along Westminster Road or The Avenue (paragraph 33 of the report)


Option H – Residents’ Consultation (paragraph 37 of the report)


The Task Group stated that whichever option was ultimately chosen that there needed to be careful consultation as all the options offered advantages for some residents and disadvantages for others.


The Executive Member reported that the former Chief Executive had received five emails from residents in support of a point closure on Westminster Road and three from residents who were opposed to the closure. He also referred to the written submission received from Cllr Scott, copies of which had been circulated at the meeting. Councillor Scott asked the Executive Member to support Option G or at least a temporary interim closure to assess the impact, in addition he had asked for the left turn lane to be reinstated at Clifton Green.


It was reported that additional information on comparative traffic volumes had been provided by Officers and republished with the agenda.


Officers updated that the road humps in Westminster Road had today been reinstated and that, weather permitting, the white lines would be applied tomorrow.


Representations in support of point closure on Westminster Road were received from Mr Paul Moran who stated that neither road humps nor signage would have any affect on through traffic in this area. He requested the Executive Member to take account of resident’s wishes and stated that point closure was the only solution to these problems.


Mr Begley, a resident of Westminster Road, referred to the increased volume and speed of through traffic on every day of the week. He went on to point out that residents felt that point closure was the only lasting method of resolving this traffic problem. He stated that the recently replaced road humps were less robust than those that had previously existed. The Executive Member confirmed that, if the replacement humps were not to the same specification,  he would ensure replacements were constructed to the same standard. 1.


Councillor King confirmed that the recommendation failed  ...  view the full minutes text for item 25


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