Issue - meetings

Changes to the Grants and Assistance Policy

Meeting: 16/03/2009 - Executive Member for Housing and Adult Social Services Advisory Panel (Item 60)

60 Changes to the Grants and Assistance Policy pdf icon PDF 51 KB

This report outlines the proposed key changes to the Grants and Assistance Policy to take account of the findings of the private stock condition survey and is a response to the challenges identified in the new Private Sector Housing Strategy agreed by EMAP on 8th December 2008.

Additional documents:


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member be advised to approve Option 1 in the report and the new assistance policy including the provision that monies are recycled back into the future investment programmes for the private sector and adaptations.


Decision of the Executive Member


RESOLVED:             That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:                  To ensure that the new assistance policy contributes to the five strategic aims of the Private Housing Strategy 2008-2013.


Members considered a report outlining the proposed key changes to the Grants and Assistance Policy to take account of the findings of the private stock condition survey. The report was a response to the challenges identified in the new Private Sector Housing Strategy agreed by EMAP on 8th December 2008.


The report presented 2 options for consideration:


(i)         Option 1 –  Will deliver a new assistance programme which is aligned with the new Private Sector Strategy and which aims to make best use of resources by recycling more money into future investment programmes whilst recognising that the council should continue to provide a safety net for the most vulnerable residents.


(ii)        Option 2 – Will result in the council not having clear policies based on the new evidence base and will not contribute to the agreed five strategic aims.  


Members then raised questions about the policy.


On the question of HMOS, referred to on page 63 of the agenda, paragraph iii) a, Officers confirmed that about 400 had been registered and that they were halfway through the 5-year programme. With regard to Home Safety Loans, Officers agreed that it was the owner’s responsibility to bring the property up to standard, that in very rare cases private tenants might do these repairs and that something was needed in the policy with regard to this. Concerns were expressed by Members about sub-standard private accommodation and Officers responded that these complaints could be investigated using current housing legislation. Officers confirmed that strict vetting procedures were carried out prior to a loan being made. Officers confirmed that work was underway with Credit Unions to help open up channels for potential lenders. With regard to the paragraph on Exceptional Circumstances on page 79 of the agenda, Officers agreed to include in the introduction the additional wording that: ‘where someone is not in receipt of benefit, but cannot access commercial loans…’


Officers confirmed that publicity on the changes and the policy would be effective immediately and that this would emphasise that the change was from a grant to a loan that would potentially enable the money to be recycled to support future loans.  


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member be advised to approve Option 1 in the report and the new assistance policy including the provision that monies are recycled back into the future investment programmes for the private sector and adaptations.


Decision of the Executive Member


RESOLVED:             That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:                  To ensure that the new assistance policy contributes to the five strategic aims of the Private Housing Strategy 2008-2013.


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