Issue - meetings

2008/09 Service Plan & Budget Monitor 3

Meeting: 16/03/2009 - Executive Member for Housing and Adult Social Services Advisory Panel (Item 57)

57 2008/9 Service Plans and Budget 3rd Monitor Report pdf icon PDF 57 KB

This report advises the Executive Member of progress against the service plan targets for housing and adult social services and the projected financial outturns for 2008/9 based on data as at the end of December 2008.

Additional documents:


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member be advised to note and comment on the content of this report


Decision of the Executive Member


RESOLVED:             That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:                  So that the Executive Member is briefed on the projected performance and financial outturns for Housing & Adult Social Services.




Members considered a report advising them of progress against the service plan targets for Housing and Adult Social Services and the projected financial outturns for 2008/9 based on data as at the end of December 2008.


The Director of Housing and Adult Social Services asked Members to note that Housing Services in York had received an excellent rating in the recent CPA by the Audit Commission.


The Director informed Members that in the difficult economic downturn there was more pressure on people’s incomes, and this had an effect with regard to arrears. He stated, with reference to paragraph 5 of the report, that there had been a reduction by over a third in the number of homeless acceptances. He also noted that there had been a successful joint bid with Children’s Services to give more support to young parents that was bringing in £350k. It was reported that the Discus bungalow scheme had begun and that there had been a lot of support needed to make this happen. The Director stated that with regard to Adult Social Services that there had been a definite improvement against the plan. He also reported that the Handy Person Scheme and Sign Posting and Advice Scheme had been commissioned. With regard to the financial overview, the Director reported that this was stable and that the Housing General Fund was where it ought to be and that there was a small underspend predicted on social care.


Members then made comments and asked questions to which Officers responded.

·        The Home Care Project Board. Officers confirmed that this had ended and that the project was now in the implementation stage with continuation of the newsletter, the continued engagement of staff, and keeping UNISON informed. Officers also confirmed that the quarterly meetings of the HASS JCC were another means of keeping the staff informed.

·        With regard to rent arrears referred to on page 19 of the agenda, Officers confirmed that follow-up would begin in the second week and that with the economic downturn a key priority was early intervention. The Executive Member confirmed that as part of the Kingsway Project, 29 families had been identified with serious rent arrears and that the Economic Development Unit was working on a pilot on indebtedness based on the Leeds model. If this proved to be successful it would then be rolled out across the city.

·        Mobile working solution. Officers confirmed that staff working in the field had mini laptops and had ‘real time’ access to the system for information.

·        The Executive Member commented that it was pleasing to see the reductions achieved in sickness absence.


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member be advised to note and comment on the content of this report


Decision of the Executive Member


RESOLVED:             That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:                  So that the Executive Member is briefed on the projected performance and financial outturns for Housing & Adult Social Services.


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