Issue - meetings

Amendments to the Lettings Policy

Meeting: 27/01/2009 - Executive Member for Housing and Adult Social Services Advisory Panel (Item 48)

48 Amendments to the Lettings Policy pdf icon PDF 47 KB

This report considers amendments to the allocation and lettings policy that aims make the best use of the council stock in light of the need to tackle the demand for public rented housing.


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member be advised to approve Option 2 – to adopt the changes to the lettings policy as listed in Paragraph 10 of the report.


Decision of the Executive Member


RESOLVED:             That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:                  To enable the Council to do all it can to increase the quality of life for homeless applicants and reduce the number of homeless applicants living in temporary accommodation.


Members considered a report seeking consideration of amendments to the allocation and lettings policy that aimed to make the best use of the Council stock in light of the need to tackle the demand for public rented housing.


The Head of Housing Services explained that these amendments were required to reduce the number of homeless applicants in temporary accommodation.


Members then raised various points to which Officers responded:


  • With regard to ensuring that private landlords were reputable and that properties were up to standard, Officers responded that the Council did not want to put people in less than adequate housing. The Council was looking at developing an accreditation scheme for private landlords, but that at present only a small number of private landlords were used.
  • Accompanied viewings to properties were made and the tenant could refuse to accept the property if it was in a poor state of repair.
  • With regard to the question of repossession of properties, due to the present financial climate, that each case would be looked at on its own merits. Decisions regarding being intentionally homeless would be made on a case-by-case basis.
  • On the question of overcrowding with regard to families and children, Officers confirmed that this was a challenge and a balance.
  •  With regard to those tenants convicted of an offence and likely to go to prison, a protocol had been developed with the Probation Service, which came into force in 2008. This would fall under the responsibility of the Offender Management Team to inform the Housing Department if a custodial sentence was felt likely, so as to ensure that debts/rent arrears were not accrued and that the property was not vandalised. Housing Services were working with the Probation Service. It was stated that the Probation Service had a housing and employment specialist, with a dedicated specialist for the York and Selby area.
  • Encouragement would be given to offenders to apply for housing well in advance of their release date.
  • One member stated that approval of this Letting Policy should include the caveat that the quality of the landlord’s housing must be taken into consideration.


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member be advised to approve Option 2 as outlined in paragraph 10 of the agenda.


Decision of the Executive Member


RESOLVED:             That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:                  To enable the Council to do all it can to increase the quality of life for homeless applicants and reduce the number of homeless applicants living in temporary accommodation.


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