Issue - meetings

Former Tenant Arrears: Write off of Debts over £2,000

Meeting: 16/03/2009 - Executive Member for Housing and Adult Social Services Advisory Panel (Item 59)

59 Former Tenants Arrears – Write off pdf icon PDF 31 KB

This report seeks Members agreement to write off a number of former tenants arrears.

Additional documents:


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member be advised to approve Option 2, which involves writing off FTAs of £59,624.11 as detailed in Annex A.


Decision of the Executive Member


RESOLVED:             That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:                  This is in line with the recommendations of the audit report detailed in paragraph 1 and also for the financial implications listed above.


Members received a report seeking their agreement to write off a number of former tenants arrears (FTAs).


Officers stated that this was a regular six-monthly report and a requirement of the District Audit Commission in the management of the Housing Revenue Account.  Members were asked to approve Option 2.


The report presented the following options for consideration:


(i)      Option 1: Maintain these FTAs on accounts. This would lead to an increase in the bad debt provision and would go against good practice as commented on in the Housing Inspectors report of October 2002.


(ii)               Option 2: Write the debts off on the understanding that if necessary they can be reinstated at a later date.



In answer to questions from Members, Officer confirmed that some of the debts were quite old, and that efforts had been exerted to trace the individuals but where no trace had been possible, then the Experion System had been used.  Officers also confirmed that former tenants who had gone to prison with housing debts would not be considered for housing without re-instating the debt.


The Executive Member asked for feedback on the Kingsway West Area scheme before it was rolled out.



Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member be advised to approve Option 2, which involves writing off FTAs of £59,624.11 as detailed in Annex A.


Decision of the Executive Member


RESOLVED:             That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:                  This is in line with the recommendations of the audit report detailed in paragraph 1 and also for the financial implications listed above.


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