Issue - meetings

Minutes of Working Groups

Meeting: 17/06/2008 - Executive - for meetings from 03/06/00 to 26/04/11 (Item 12)

12 Minutes of Working Groups pdf icon PDF 36 KB

This report presents the minutes of recent meetings of the Local Development Framework (LDF) Working Group and the Social Inclusion Working Group and asks Members to consider the advice given by the Working Groups in their capacity as advisory bodies to the Executive.

Additional documents:


RESOLVED: (i)         That the conclusions and recommendations agreed by the LDF Working Group at their meeting on 13 May 2008 regarding the York North West Area Action Plan be endorsed.


(ii) That the unique opportunity to shape a new approach to transport in this sector of the City as the Plan is further refined be stressed to Officers.


                        (iii)       That the minutes of the meeting of the Social Inclusion Working Group be endorsed and that Cllr Aspden be thanked for his work as the Executive Member for Youth and Social Inclusion.


REASON:      In accordance with the requirements of the Council’s Constitution in relation to the role of Working Groups.


Members considered a report which presented the minutes of the  meeting of the Local Development Framework Working Group (LDFWG) held on 13 May 2008 and the Social Inclusion Working Group (SIWG) held on 14 May 2008. The minutes were attached as Annexes A and B respectively.


There were no recommendations in the minutes requiring specific Executive approval.  However, Members’ attention was drawn in particular to:

·        the comments of the LDFWG regarding consultation on the York North West Area Action Plan (Annex A, Minute 46)

·        suggestions from the SIWG regarding what the Council could do to address issues raised at the Black and Minority Ethnic Stakeholder Seminar (Annex B, Minute 50).


In respect of the LDFWG minutes, Members commented on the unique opportunity for a ‘blank canvass’ approach to developing the York North West area and the importance of designing in a safe and low gradient cycle network.  In respect of the SIWG minutes, Members noted the success of Disabled Go in using their website to advertise facilities for disabled people in the City.  They also stressed the need to keep the Group updated on relevant activities within the Council and to ensure that meetings remained focused.


RESOLVED: (i)         That the conclusions and recommendations agreed by the LDF Working Group at their meeting on 13 May 2008 regarding the York North West Area Action Plan be endorsed.


(ii) That the unique opportunity to shape a new approach to transport in this sector of the City as the Plan is further refined be stressed to Officers.1


                        (iii)       That the minutes of the meeting of the Social Inclusion Working Group be endorsed and that Cllr Aspden be thanked for his work as the Executive Member for Youth and Social Inclusion.


REASON:      In accordance with the requirements of the Council’s Constitution in relation to the role of Working Groups.


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