Issue - meetings

Review of Behaviour Support Service

Meeting: 17/07/2008 - Executive Member for Children and Young People's Services and Advisory Panel (Item 15)

15 The Behaviour Support Service in York pdf icon PDF 61 KB

This report describes the current situation at the Danesgate Site, sets the situation in the context of the Behaviour Support Service and puts forward proposals for a restructuring at the Site that will meet the needs of learners at risk of exclusion or those that have been excluded.  The key proposal within the report is to merge the Pupil Support Centre and the Bridge Centre so that there is one Headteacher in one single school. 

Additional documents:


Members received a report which described the current situation at the Danesgate Site, set the situation in the context of the Behaviour Support Service and put forward proposals for a restructuring at the Site that would meet the needs of learners at risk of exclusion or those that have been excluded. 


The report presented the following options for consideration:

·  Option 1 - to merge the Pupil Support Centre and the Bridge Centre so that there was one headteacher in one single school;

·  Option 2 – to maintain the status quo, with two headteachers and two schools.


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member be advised:


(i)           That Option 1 be approved, with the proposed merger of the Bridge Centre and the Pupil Support Centre and the leadership restructuring of the Behaviour Support Service leading to one headteacher in a single school on the Danesgate Site;


(ii)     That a further report be presented in the Autumn Term 2008 with updates on further consultation.


Decision of the Executive Member


RESOLVED:That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:To ensure that the Council discharges its statutory obligations in the most efficient and effective manner, consistent with the vision of a strategic and co-ordinated Behaviour Support Service that meets the needs of learners at risk of exclusion or those who have been permanently excluded.


Members received a report which described the current situation at the Danesgate Site, set the situation in the context of the Behaviour Support Service and put forward proposals for a restructuring at the site that would meet the needs of learners at risk of exclusion or those that have been excluded. 


Officers confirmed that the proposals would improve provision for vulnerable pupils and give better value for money. The merger of the Pupil Support Centre and the Bridge Centre with one Head teacher would provide strategic leadership and co-ordinated management across the schools ensuring improved provision for all pupils. It was confirmed that extensive and in depth consultation had been carried out with a wide range of partners and head teachers and that a lot of support had been provided by the Local Education Authority to existing staff.


Members referred to a press article on the merger and to incorrect information contained within it, which had caused unnecessary anxiety and problems.


Members questioned the choice of only one school Westfield for the acceptance of permanently excluded primary school pupils. Officers confirmed that the number of permanent exclusions had reduced and that these pupils were moved back to mainstream school as soon as possible. They also questioned what additional qualities would be required in the new Head teacher. Officers confirmed that they would be looking for a particular skill set of high quality leadership and management with a proven track record.


The report presented the following options for consideration:

·  Option 1 - to merge the Pupil Support Centre and the Bridge Centre so that there was one head teacher in one single school;

·  Option 2 – to maintain the status quo, with two head teachers and two schools.


The Executive Member thanked all staff at these two sites for their hard work and in particular she thanked the two Head teachers for their leadership.


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member be advised:


(i)              That Option 1 be approved, with the proposed merger of the Bridge Centre and the Pupil Support Centre and the leadership restructuring of the Behaviour Support Service leading to one head teacher for a single school on the Danesgate Site; 1.


(ii)            (ii)         That a further report be presented in the Autumn Term 2008 with updates on further consultation. 2.



Decision of the Executive Member


RESOLVED:That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:To ensure that the Council discharges its statutory obligations in the most efficient and effective manner, consistent with the vision of a strategic and co-ordinated Behaviour Support Service that meets the needs of learners at risk of exclusion or those who have been permanently excluded.


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