Issue - meetings

Sustainable Community Strategy and Local Area Agreement

Meeting: 03/06/2008 - Executive - for meetings from 03/06/00 to 26/04/11 (Item 5)

5 ‘York – A City Making History’: York’s Sustainable Community Strategy and Local Area Agreement pdf icon PDF 54 KB

This report seeks endorsement of the Without Walls Sustainable Community Strategy 2008-2025, entitled ‘York – A City making history’, which represents the deliberations of Without Walls Partners and the aspirations of local people in updating the Community Strategy and Local Area Agreement for 2008. 

Additional documents:


[See also under Part B Minutes]


RESOLVED: (i)         That the contents of the Sustainable Community Strategy ‘York – a City Making History’ be noted and endorsed.


                        (ii)        That the updated Local Area Agreement for 2008, as circulated at the meeting, be endorsed for submission to and agreement with the Government.


                        (iii)       That the LAA document be taken to the Staffing Matters and Urgency Committee for referral to Government Office and subsequent Ministerial sign-off.


REASON:      To ensure that the Council meets its statutory duty to produce a Sustainable Community Strategy and Local Area Agreement and in order to meet revised Government deadlines for the LAA.


[See also under Part B Minutes]


Members considered a report which asked them to endorse the Without Walls Partnership’s Sustainable Community Strategy (SCS) for 2008-2025, entitled ‘York – A City Making History’, and the Local Area Agreement (LAA) indicators for 2008-2011.  The requirement to produce an SCS and a new version of the LAA had been introduced by legislation last October.


The SCS, attached as Annex A to the report, had been written as a document that could be used by partners to inform their own strategies and plans.  Ideally, it would become the ‘Masterplan’ for York, signalling the intended future direction of the City and how future decisions and actions would be taken.  It included references to the essential connection between the SCS and the Local Development Framework (LDF).  The indicators selected for the LAA had been included and identified within the SCS.  Full details, including baselines and targets where available, were set out in Annex B, with statutory attainment indicators shown in Annex C.  A revised version of Annex B had already been circulated to Members and included in the on-line version of the agenda.  A further revised version was circulated at the meeting and this version has now been incorporated in the on-line agenda.


Without Walls had approved the SCS and LAA on 29 April, with a recommendation that the documents be formally endorsed and adopted by the relevant bodies. 


With reference to the comments of the Shadow Executive on this item, recommending that the Strategy be re-written, the Chair noted that both the LAA indicators and the SCS had already been through a long process through the Partnership Boards and were intended to be partnership documents.


RESOLVED: (ii)        That the contents of the Sustainable Community Strategy ‘York – a City Making History’ be noted and endorsed.


                        (ii)        That the updated Local Area Agreement for 2008, as circulated at the meeting, be endorsed for submission to and agreement with the Government.


                        (iii)       That the LAA document be taken to the Staffing Matters and Urgency Committee for referral to Government Office and subsequent Ministerial sign-off.1


REASON:      To ensure that the Council meets its statutory duty to produce a Sustainable Community Strategy and Local Area Agreement and in order to meet revised Government deadlines for the LAA.


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