Issue - meetings

The Statement of Accounts

Meeting: 30/06/2008 - Executive - for meetings from 03/06/00 to 26/04/11 (Item 27)

27 Statement of Accounts 2007/08 pdf icon PDF 57 KB

This report invites Members to review and comment upon the Council’s financial accounts for the financial year 2007/08 before submitting them for approval by Full Council on the 30th June. 


Note: A copy of the draft Statement of Accounts will be circulated to all Members once it becomes available.  At this stage, that is likely to be on Thursday, 26 June.


Members received a report which invited them to review and comment upon the Council’s financial accounts for the financial year 2007/08 before submitting them for approval by Full Council on the 30th June. 


Audit & Governance Committee had already considered and commented on the accounts.  A revised copy of the accounts, with supplementary sheets, setting out the proposed changes had been circulated following Audit & Governance Committee.


Members expressed the view that the Annual Governance Statement should be a separate document from the Statement of Accounts in future.


RECOMMENDED:That the Statement of Accounts be approved by Full Council.1


REASON:      Under the current constitution Full Council must approve the Statement of Accounts.  It is a statutory requirement that this approval must be made no later than 30th June.


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