Issue - meetings

Service Plan Year end Monitoring Report 2007/2008

Meeting: 10/06/2008 - Executive Member for Children and Young People's Services and Advisory Panel (Item 7)

7 Service Plan Performance Year End 2007/8 Report: Including Feedback from the Joint Area Review (JAR) pdf icon PDF 61 KB

This report analyses performance by reference to the service plan, the budget and the performance indicators for all of the services funded through the Children’s Services budget.  It also creates a timely opportunity to receive formal written feedback on the Joint Area Review (JAR) which is published on the 3 June 2008.

Additional documents:


Members received a report which analysed performance by reference to the service plan, the budget and the performance indicators for all of the services funded through the Children’s Services budget.  It also created a timely opportunity to receive formal written feedback on the Joint Area Review (JAR) which was published on the 3 June 2008.


Paragraph 8 of the report set out achievements during 2007/8 and paragraph 9 highlighted the “outstanding” judgements received during the JAR.  Priorities for improvement, informed by both year end performance and the outcome of the JAR, were set out at paragraph 10.


The draft net outturn for 2007/08 was £27,558k, which, when compared to the current approved budget of £27,566k, represented a net underspend of £8k or 0.03%.  The underspend was split between the General Fund (+£419k) and the ring-fenced Dedicated Schools Grant (-£427k).


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member be advised:


(i)           That the performance of services within the directorate funded through the Children’s Services budget be noted;


(ii)     That the draft revenue outturn for 2007/08 be approved and it be noted that the General Fund overspend would be funded from Council reserves;


(iii)    That the outcome of the Joint Area Review of services to children and young people be noted.


(iv)    That the Panels thanks be forwarded to all staff in Children’s Services for their performance throughout the year and on feedback from the Joint Area Review but especially to those staff dealing with looked after children and those safeguarding children and young people with learning difficulties and/or disabilities.


Decision of the Executive Member


RESOLVED:That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:In order to ensure appropriate performance management arrangements are in place across the department.


Members received a report which analysed performance by reference to the service plan, the budget and the performance indicators for all of the services funded through the Children’s Services budget.  It also created a timely opportunity to receive formal written feedback on the Joint Area Review (JAR), which was published on the 3 June 2008.


Paragraph 8 of the report set out achievements during 2007/8 and paragraph 9 highlighted the “outstanding” judgements received during the JAR.  Priorities for improvement, informed by both year-end performance and the outcome of the JAR, were set out at paragraph 10.


The draft net outturn for 2007/08 was £27,558k, which, when compared to the current approved budget of £27,566k, represented a net under spend of £8k or 0.03%.  The under spend was split between the General Fund (+£419k) and the ring-fenced Dedicated Schools Grant (-£427k).


Members discussed the following


  • An explanation was given of the deferred charges allocation (Corporate) and the asset rental adjustment, on page 49 of the report;
  • Higher prices for food affecting the school meals budget and the 3 year pricing strategy which was due to change in September;
  • Need for an examination of the repair and maintenance buy back scheme for schools;
  • That recognition should be given to the efforts put in by teachers and young people with the tremendous achievements in achieving five or more GCSE’s or equivalent at Grades A*-C;
  • Concerns at the apparent widening of the social divide shown by the PI which detailed the  % of pupils living in the 30% most deprived areas in the country achieving the above grades;
  • The number of students starting vocational diplomas;
  • The need to focus on parenting programmes on targeted groups
  • Need for a local indicator showing the % of care leavers that gain qualifications through other methods;
  • Concern that the TD3 (LCCS staff accessing CPD activities) target had dropped.  


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member be advised:


(i)           That the performance of services within the directorate funded through the Children’s Services budget be noted;


(ii)     That the draft revenue outturn for 2007/08 be approved and it be noted that the General Fund overspend would be funded from Council reserves;


(iii)    That the outcome of the Joint Area Review of services to children and young people be noted.


(iv)    That the Panels thanks be forwarded to all staff in Children’s Services for their performance throughout the year and on feedback from the Joint Area Review but especially to those staff dealing with looked after children and those safeguarding children and young people with learning difficulties and/or disabilities.


(v)     That an additional local Performance Indicator showing the percentage of care leavers that gain other qualifications be added to the Service Plan. [Amendment agreed at the meeting on 17 July 2008.]


Decision of the Executive Member


RESOLVED:That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:In order to ensure appropriate performance management arrangements are in place across the department.


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