Issue - meetings

Carbon Management: Strategy and Implementation Plan

Meeting: 22/04/2008 - Executive - for meetings from 03/06/00 to 26/04/11 (Item 205)

205 Carbon Management Programme - Strategy and Implementation Plan pdf icon PDF 38 KB

This report presents for approval the Strategy and Implementation Plan for the Local Authority Carbon Management Programme, which sets targets for reduction of carbon dioxide emissions from City of York Council activities and outlines a project structure enabling these targets to be achieved.

Additional documents:


RESOLVED:(i) That the City of York Council Strategy and Implementation Plan for the Local Authority Carbon Management Programme be approved;


(ii)               That officers be asked to include the Member Energy Champion with the work of the “Energy Champions” network;


(iii)             That an annual report to the Executive be requested setting out progress in delivering the Programme;


(iv)              That officers be requested to review a process for reporting back progress to Executive Member & Advisory Panel (EMAP) meetings at the same time as other performance monitoring data is presented.


REASON:      To ensure a co-ordinated approach to the management of carbon emissions from Council activities, with targets and milestones.


Members considered a report which presented for approval the Strategy and Implementation Plan for the Local Authority Carbon Management Programme.


The draft Strategy and Implementation Plan (SIP) was attached as Annex A of the report.  The following options were presented to Members for consideration:

·  To approve the SIP;

·  To reject the SIP.


Additional information was circulated at the meeting (attached as Appendix 1 to the minutes) setting out details of four projects which directly identified the carbon capital programme as the possible funding route.  It was noted that further information on these projects would be provided in due course, as projected costings and savings were refined.


Members noted that as one of the schemes was specifically about the use of staff champions around the Council, there could be greater linkage with the Member Energy Champion.  They also noted that for this aspect of the Programme to work there needed to be clear reporting back to each directorate on the energy and carbon savings that had been made.


Having noted the advice of the Shadow Executive on this item, it was


RESOLVED:(i) That the City of York Council Strategy and Implementation Plan for the Local Authority Carbon Management Programme be approved;


(ii)               That officers be asked to include the Member Energy Champion with the work of the “Energy Champions” network;


(iii)             That an annual report to the Executive be requested setting out progress in delivering the Programme;


(iv)              That officers be requested to review a process for reporting back progress to Executive Member & Advisory Panel (EMAP) meetings at the same time as other performance monitoring data is presented.


REASON:      To ensure a co-ordinated approach to the management of carbon emissions from Council activities, with targets and milestones.


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