Issue - meetings

Appropriation of Property

Meeting: 29/07/2008 - Executive - for meetings from 03/06/00 to 26/04/11 (Item 49)

49 Appropriation of Property pdf icon PDF 47 KB

This report seeks approval for the appropriation and transfer of property held in the Housing Revenue Account or the General Fund Revenue Account to the General Fund Revenue Account or Housing General Fund, as appropriate.

Additional documents:


RESOLVED: That the sites and property detailed in Annex A to the report be appropriated in the financial year 2007/08, at the valuations and to the statutory powers shown in that annex, other than the Peaseholme Hostel site, which is recommended for appropriation in the year that the Hostel is vacated by Housing Services


REASON:      To maximise the capital resources in the areas that will benefit all the Council’s Corporate Priorities.


Members considered a report which sought approval for the appropriation and transfer of property held in the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) or the General Fund Revenue Account to the General Fund Revenue Account (GRFA) or the Housing General Fund (HGF), as required.


Under the Housing Acts, only property with a specific social housing use should be held in the HRA or HGF.  Details of the proposed appropriations were attached as Annex A to the report, with plans at Annex B. They included:

  • Part of the Haymarket Car Park – move from HRA to GFRA
  • 17/21 Piccadilly – move from HRA to GFRA
  • site of Peaseholme Hostel – move from HRA to GFRA
  • site of 4 Fishergate – move from GFRA to HGF
  • Arc Light Centre, Union Terrace Car Park – move from GFRA to HGF


At the meeting, Officers asked that their recommendation be amended, to  allow for the Peaseholme Hostel site to be appropriated after the Hostel had been vacated, as this would be financially advantageous to the Council.


Having noted the advice of the Shadow Executive on this item, it was


RESOLVED: That the sites and property detailed in Annex A to the report be appropriated in the financial year 2008/09, at the valuations and to the statutory powers shown in that annex, other than the Peaseholme Hostel site, which is recommended for appropriation in the year that the Hostel is vacated by Housing Services.1


REASON:      To maximise the capital resources in the areas that will benefit all the Council’s Corporate Priorities.


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