Issue - meetings

Proposed changes to the Grants and Systems Policy

Meeting: 02/06/2008 - Executive Member for Housing and Adult Social Services Advisory Panel (Item 8)

8 Social Care Reform Grant pdf icon PDF 63 KB

The report introduces the recent policy paper ‘Putting People First’ from the Department of Health, and sets out plans for the use of a new Social Care Reform Grant.  The Executive Member is asked to note the importance of this policy agenda and to agree the plans it contains for the use of the Social Care Reform Grant for 2008-09.


Advice of Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member be advised to:


(i)                 Note the priorities for action to deliver the transformational change that Government requires;

(ii)               Note the proposed principles for use of the grant to deliver these priorities;

(iii)             Note the proposed investment plan for the grant in 2008/09;

(iv)              Receive further reports on the delivery of personalisation and early intervention, once the impact on current service delivery models is clear.


Decision of Executive Member


RESOLVED: That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:      For information, and on the basis that the proposals will ensure that the Social Grant can be used effectively to meet the challenges that transformational change will bring, and support the delivery of personalisation of services and early intervention.


Members considered a report which introduced the Department of Health policy paper ‘Putting People First’ and sought approval for plans regarding the use of the new Social Care Reform Grant in 2008/09..


The Government was providing funding over three years, through the Social Care Reform Grant, to support the transformation of social care.  York would receive £245k in 2008/09, £573k in 2009/10 and £709k in 2010/11.  The guidance in Putting People First made it clear that transformation must deliver the personalisation of services and a focus on early intervention and prevention.  Changes would need to be delivered in partnership with health colleagues to ensure integrated services.  Those areas considered to be priorities for action were set out in paragraphs 16 to 23 of the report.  Suggested principles for agreeing use of the grant were listed in paragraph 24.


Proposals for the use of grant funding in the first year (2008/09) were outlined in paragraph 25 and comprised support for the following:

  • Culture change - £15k
  • Capacity building - £120k
  • Collaboration - £17k
  • New services - £90k

More detailed plans would be developed during Year 1 for use of the grant in the next two years, as a vision of how the transformed services would look was developed and shared.


Advice of Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member be advised to:


(i)                 Note the priorities for action to deliver the transformational change that Government requires;

(ii)               Note the proposed principles for use of the grant to deliver these priorities;

(iii)             Note the proposed investment plan for the grant in 2008/09;

(iv)              Receive further reports on the delivery of personalisation and early intervention, once the impact on current service delivery models is clear.1


Decision of Executive Member


RESOLVED: That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:      For information, and on the basis that the proposals will ensure that the Social Grant can be used effectively to meet the challenges that transformational change will bring, and support the delivery of personalisation of services and early intervention.


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