Issue - meetings

A19 Fulford Road Corridor Update

Meeting: 17/03/2008 - Executive Members for City Strategy and Advisory Panel (Item 100)

100 A19 Fulford Road Corridor Update pdf icon PDF 90 KB

This report advises Members of the results of recent public consultation on proposals to improve the A19 Fulford Road Corridor. It makes recommendations on how to progress the proposed improvement measures, taking account of the consultation findings, and seeks approval to those recommendations.


[Copies of the consultation leaflet, questionnaires and exhibition plans have been placed in the members library and will also be available for members to view at the meeting.]

Additional documents:


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member be advised:


(i)           That the results of the consultation, as set out in Annex A of the report, be noted;


(ii)     That the review of proposals for the corridor in the light of the findings of the consultation, as set out in Annex B of the report, be noted;


(iii)    That the recommendations in Annex B and paragraph 30 of the report be agreed;


(iv)    That further consultation be carried out, as appropriate, on individual schemes as they are developed and that the extent of any consultation be agreed with the Executive Member and/or respective ward councillors;


(v)     That any Road Traffic Regulation Orders associated with any of the improvement schemes be advertised and, subject to no objections being received, the Orders be made, with any unresolved objections being referred back to Members for consideration;


(vi)    That the Executive Member be kept fully appraised of issues related to the corridor and the progress of improvement measures, and that a further report be submitted to Members should issues arise which significantly affect the corridor.


Decision of the Executive Member


RESOLVED:That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:(i)-(ii) For background information and for assisting in the decision making process;


                        (iii) To identify a way forward for improving conditions along the corridor;


(iv)  To assist with the consultation process;


(v)    To enable any restrictions on access, turning movements, parking, loading, stopping, and the use of any sections of carriageway or footway, and any changes to speed limits to be introduced;


(vi)  For monitoring and decision making purposes.


Members received a report which advised them of the results of recent public consultation on proposals to improve the A19 Fulford Road Corridor. It made recommendations on how to progress the proposed improvement measures, which took account of the consultation findings, and sought approval of those recommendations.


Copies of the consultation leaflet, questionnaires and exhibition plans were available for Members to view at the meeting.


The report presented three options for consideration:

·  Option 1- To progress and deliver the schemes that form part of the corridor improvement strategy as proposed in Annex B and paragraph 30 of the report;

·  Option 2 – To progress and deliver the schemes that form part of the corridor improvement strategy as proposed in Annex B and paragraph 30 of the report, but with changes approved by the Executive Member;

·  Option 3 – To do nothing.


Some Members expressed concerns regarding the reliability of the consultation and Members also highlighted the need to look again at a number of issues, including the concerns of the residents of Selby Road, prior to drawing up detailed design proposals.


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member be advised:


(i)           That the results of the consultation, as set out in Annex A of the report, be noted;


(ii)     That the review of proposals for the corridor in the light of the findings of the consultation, as set out in Annex B of the report, be noted;


(iii)    That the recommendations in Annex B and paragraph 30 of the report be agreed;1


(iv)    That further consultation be carried out, as appropriate, on individual schemes as they are developed and that the extent of any consultation be agreed with the Executive Member and/or respective ward councillors;2


(v)     That any Road Traffic Regulation Orders associated with any of the improvement schemes be advertised and, subject to no objections being received, the Orders be made, with any unresolved objections being referred back to Members for consideration;3


(vi)    That the Executive Member be kept fully appraised of issues related to the corridor and the progress of improvement measures, and that a further report be submitted to Members should issues arise which significantly affect the corridor.4


Decision of the Executive Member


RESOLVED:That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:(i)-(ii) For background information and for assisting in the decision making process;


                        (iii) To identify a way forward for improving conditions along the corridor;


(iv)  To assist with the consultation process;


(v)    To enable any restrictions on access, turning movements, parking, loading, stopping, and the use of any sections of carriageway or footway, and any changes to speed limits to be introduced;


(vi)  For monitoring and decision making purposes.


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