Issue - meetings

Businesses in City Centre Peripheral Streets

Meeting: 26/02/2008 - Executive - for meetings from 03/06/00 to 26/04/11 (Item 174)

174 Businesses in City Centre Peripheral Streets pdf icon PDF 56 KB

This report provides information in relation to a motion regarding businesses in City Centre peripheral streets, referred to the Executive by full Council on 4 October 2007, and makes recommendations for the Council, working in partnership with others, to adopt in response to the motion. 

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RECOMMENDED:That Council re-consider the motion on businesses in the City Centre peripheral streets that was referred to the Executive on 4 October 2007, together with this report, and agree the following actions (including the actions detailed in paragraph 6 of the report) as their response to the motion:

a)     Working with retailers, traders and other businesses on the peripheral streets to offer advice and encouragement.

b)     Working with Visit York to examine the scope for further publications to attract additional visitors to the peripheral streets.

c)      Examining the scope for extending the range of festivals and market events beyond the main City Centre area.

d)     Developing further initiatives to promote the evening economy, taking account of the role of peripheral streets.

e)     Maintaining progress with developing the City Centre Area Action Plan and ensuring that this is focused on supporting the gateways and fringe streets.

f)        Considering the extent of the footstreets review initiative, through consultation during this review.

g)     Carrying out further work to examine the scope for bringing empty property in peripheral streets back into use.

h)      Officers to examine how action might be taken to stimulate footfall in Micklegate by the use of advertising and / or automated announcements on the Park and Ride buses, both in the short term and in the long term once the new bus fleet comes into use.


REASON:                  In accordance with the procedures set out in Standing Orders and to help shape the effectiveness of future action.


Members considered a report which provided information in relation to a motion referred to the Executive by full Council on 4 October 2007 and made recommendations for the Council to adopt in response to the motion.


The motion, set out in paragraph 2 of the report, expressed concern that some of the peripheral streets in York were not benefiting from the prosperity of the ‘inner core’ of the City Centre and sought the development of an Action Plan to address this issue.  The report highlighted a number of Council initiatives that were already under way to support the contribution of the peripheral streets to the City’s economy.  These included: work arising from the recommendations of the scrutiny review carried out in 2004; the York City Centre Partnership, launched in 2005; an action plan for the evening economy (arising from a report considered by the Executive on 24 July 2007); and development of the City Centre Area Action Plan (AAP) as part of the Local Development Framework. 


Pending adoption of the AAP, which would take account of issues affecting the peripheral streets, the Executive was recommended to endorse a series of proposed actions, detailed in paragraph 6 of the report, to enhance the economic vitality and viability of these streets.


In respect of the comments of the Shadow Executive and the points raised by Cllr Fraser on this item (Minute 167 refers), Members noted that any improvements would have to be funded from existing resources.  However, there were opportunities to access resources via the AAP and the suggestion for stimulating footfall in Micklegate via the Park and Ride buses would be examined further.


RECOMMENDED:That Council re-consider the motion on businesses in the City Centre peripheral streets that was referred to the Executive on 4 October 2007, together with this report, and agree the following actions (including the actions detailed in paragraph 6 of the report) as their response to the motion:1

a)     Working with retailers, traders and other businesses on the peripheral streets to offer advice and encouragement.

b)     Working with Visit York to examine the scope for further publications to attract additional visitors to the peripheral streets.

c)      Examining the scope for extending the range of festivals and market events beyond the main City Centre area.

d)     Developing further initiatives to promote the evening economy, taking account of the role of peripheral streets.

e)     Maintaining progress with developing the City Centre Area Action Plan and ensuring that this is focused on supporting the gateways and fringe streets.

f)        Considering the extent of the footstreets review initiative, through consultation during this review.

g)     Carrying out further work to examine the scope for bringing empty property in peripheral streets back into use.

h)      Officers to examine how action might be taken to stimulate footfall in Micklegate by the use of advertising and / or automated announcements on the Park and Ride buses, both in the short term and in the long term once the new bus fleet comes into use.  ...  view the full minutes text for item 174


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