Issue - meetings

Review of Sub-National Economic Development and Future Working within the Leeds City Region

Meeting: 26/02/2008 - Executive - for meetings from 03/06/00 to 26/04/11 (Item 171)

171 Review of Sub-National Economic Development and Future Working within the Leeds City Region pdf icon PDF 56 KB

This report sets out background information on the Government’s review of sub-national economic development and regeneration, considers the implications of this review for the Leeds City Region and proposes specific actions for the Executive to consider in order to maximise the benefits for York.

Additional documents:


RESOLVED: That the actions set out in paragraph 9 of the report and summarised below be approved, in order to maximise the benefits to York of the SNR and the LCR, while noting the potential pitfalls of such a move, some of which are mentioned in paragraph 10 of the report:

a)     Ensure appropriate representation on key thematic Panels within the LCR, where these are relevant to the initiatives identified in paragraph 8.

b)     Ensure that York’s Business Panel representative is fully briefed on York related issues.

c)      Work with contiguous LCR partners who may have similar aspirations, namely Harrogate, Selby and Ryedale.

d)     Within the above, begin to consider how the LSP and partnership working might interlock with the aspirations and ambitions of these neighbouring authorities.

e)     Work with Leeds business representatives through York Professionals, Visit York and Science City York.

f)        Ensure that dialogue is taking place to build the relationship with Yorkshire Forward at a senior level and work with Yorkshire Forward to seek their direct investment in York to support economic development priorities.

g)     Ensure that appropriate officers are involved in developing a Multi-Area Agreement for the LCR.

h)      Ensure that York’s case for the designation of York North West as one of the Government’s New Growth Points is articulated within the LCR endorsement process.


REASON:      To help shape the effectiveness of future action.


Members considered a report which set out background information on the Government’s Sub-National Review of economic development and regeneration (SNR), considered the implications of this review for the Leeds City Region (LCR) and proposed specific actions in order to maximise the benefits for York.


A summary of the proposals set out in the SNR was attached Annex A to the report.  Some of the proposed structural changes would require legislation and consultation was likely to take place early this year on their implementation.  In essence, the SNR envisaged a stronger role for City Regions and sub-regional working in order to enhance economic growth and competitiveness.  At this stage, the key element for York was to maximise the opportunities presented by the LCR.  This would involve developing a clear strategy of engagement, with representatives involved in LCR having a clear briefing on relevant issues.


Paragraph 8 of the report highlighted particular initiatives within York that had a strong impact on the LCR, including: Access York; York North-West; Tourism; Science City York; and a Multi-Area Agreement focused on skills, labour market mobility and transport.  Actions recommended to ensure that York helped to shape the LCR agenda and to articulate the City’s ambition and potential were set out in paragraph 9. 


Members highlighted potential threats to York posed by the review, in particular the transference of power from the Regional Assembly to Yorkshire Forward and the possible future development of the LCR towards a ‘mayoral’ model.


Having noted the comments of the Shadow Executive, it was


RESOLVED: That the actions set out in paragraph 9 of the report and summarised below be approved, in order to maximise the benefits to York of the SNR and the LCR, while noting the potential pitfalls of such a move, some of which are mentioned in paragraph 10 of the report:1

a)     Ensure appropriate representation on key thematic Panels within the LCR, where these are relevant to the initiatives identified in paragraph 8.

b)     Ensure that York’s Business Panel representative is fully briefed on York related issues.

c)      Work with contiguous LCR partners who may have similar aspirations, namely Harrogate, Selby and Ryedale.

d)     Within the above, begin to consider how the LSP and partnership working might interlock with the aspirations and ambitions of these neighbouring authorities.

e)     Work with Leeds business representatives through York Professionals, Visit York and Science City York.

f)        Ensure that dialogue is taking place to build the relationship with Yorkshire Forward at a senior level and work with Yorkshire Forward to seek their direct investment in York to support economic development priorities.

g)     Ensure that appropriate officers are involved in developing a Multi-Area Agreement for the LCR.

h)      Ensure that York’s case for the designation of York North West as one of the Government’s New Growth Points is articulated within the LCR endorsement process.


REASON:      To help shape the effectiveness of future action.


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